“They are worthy of leading…” Jackson.Q KM4MFZ (sk)
- General Zoom meeting Tue 3-Nov 7pm CLICK HERE
- Presenter: Pablo KK4YG on DMR GPRS and SMS
- BRARA members vote on 2021-23 Directors
- Members Only Zoom Auction – WOW WE HAD FUN
- ARISS Details (details follow)
- November Newsletter CLICK HERE
- BRARA Early Bird 2021 Dues began 1-Oct 2020
- BRARA WordPress training CLICK FMI
- ARRL Weekly Audio News CLICK HERE
- Weekly Amateur Extra Pool Question: (see below)
- Interesting New Websites
- Watch BRARA October Meeting CLICK HERE
Tuesday 3-Nov at 7pm via Zoom conference.Join Zoom Meeting: CLICK HERE
Meeting ID: 865 5255 5294
Password: 123456
FOR BRARA 2021-2023 Directors |
Bruce KO4XL will email to Members the process to cast your vote for 2021-2023 Directors.
Bruce will provide a list of candidates with their names and callsign.
Members will select the top 7 directors in NO PARTICICULAR ORDER and send it to him.
Please be watching your email and yes check your spam folders.
He will explain when this is due and any further details.
Good luck.
Oh, rumor has it there is some other voting that will happen on 3-NOV but that is just rumor.
Accepting subscription request |
Please subscribe to our BRARA@groups.io email distribution process.
If you need a reminder invitation, email BRARA+owner@groups.io to request it. Please include in that email request your first name, call sign, and email address which is recorded as your primary email account in the BRARA member roster.
Thank you for participating in our first Zoom Auction.
Everyone seemed to enjoy this first every Zoom Auction.
Here’s some statistics on our donated items:
- Number of bids: 156
- Donated items: 26
- New owners: 10
- Duration of auction: 2 hours 41 min
- Donated amount: $757.00
That is a huge accomplishment given we’ve been wanting to do this for quite some time. COVID-19 does have an upside: we’re forced to use Zoom for gatherings and it seems to work in this case. The item reviews have been completed, details are being crossed checked and are being provided to our 10 bid winners. They have also received pickup plans.
Will we do this again? Seems like a good case could be made. Watch for details.
This is a new feature to our weekly updates.
CLICK Cyber Security by Seth KC2WE
CLICK Channel capacity by Seth KC2WE
CLICK AMSAT Status by Pablo KK4YG
If you find an interesting website others may enjoy and find useful, please send your NAME, CALLSIGN and the WEBSITE URL to John.C N1QFH by email to wirehead52@gmail.com
Thank you!
ARISS Details |
PHONE FREQ: Uplink 145.990 PL 67HZ Downlink 437.800
SLOWSCAN: downlink 145.800 SSTV event completed
The next key step to operate a transceiver at the shack from a remote device (CLICK HERE FMI) is to implement a solid microwave IP signal from the repeater site to the shack (see above request for Tower Climbers). Once that is done, we can begin testing the process. Contact John.C N1QFH with questions.
BRARA 2021 Dues now OPEN |
1-OCT-2020 you may use the revised PayPal process or personal check to our mailbox. We look forward to a full year of many projects even with COVID-19 and yes the Member tools are always undergoing updates. Please be watching for a list of what BRARA has accomplished and what we’re planning in 2021.
CLICK HERE for 2021 Dues
Thank you for your support which is vital to our success.
NOTE: If you have paid your dues and have NOT received an email confirming payment, please contact John.C by email wirehead52@gmail.com
BRARA is looking for a few Members of BRARA to consider becoming trained in WordPress and supporting the needs of the organization.
Scope of Training
- Posts
- Media
- Pages
- Tables
- Specialty areas
To ensure the safety of our members, we the full BRARA Board have decided to postpone our opening plans until the pandemic stabilizes in the state of Florida. We all feel very strongly that our club must not in any way, however small, add to the risk of spreading the virus. We will revisit and resume our plans as soon as we are confident that it is safe to do so.
Want to learn about NBEMS? What is it? Who uses it and why? You can begin learning the basics by CLICKING HERE. Join us Wednesdays at 8pm on 145.29 where we practice all aspects of digital communications and yes problem solve and train. We have added SLOWSCAN to this net enabling operators to pass photos in the event of a bad day. We are also pursuing WINLINK capacities, it remains uncertain if we can manage contacts to local nodes, watch for future updates.
The BRARA DMR repeater is working normally.
Analog 2m 145.29(-) PL110.9 50 watts out.
Status: Art and Lew have been addressing various issues at the 2m repeater site.
DMR Brandmeister 70cm 442.875(+) CC-1 TS-2 TG-311037 50 watts out. The FAU IP link is operating normally.
Monday to Saturday
7am Ad Hoc Free Net
Analog 145.29- PL110.9
DMR 442.875+ CC-2 TS-2 TG-311037 |
Sunday (1 net)
8.00pm South East FL DMR Tech Net TG-311037
BRARA 442.875+ CC-1 TS-2
GCARA 443.350+ CC-11 TS-1
Wellington ARA 145.19- CC-2 TS-1 |
Monday (2 nets)
7.00pm Voice Com Net
BRARA 145.29- PL110.9 |
7.30pm DMR BrainWaves NotANet TG-311037
BRARA 442.875+ CC-1 TS-2
GCARA 443.350+ CC-11 TS-1
Wellington ARA 145.19- CC-2 TS-1 |
Tuesday (1 net)
9.00am Breakfast Club Net
BRARA 145.29- PL110.9 |
Wednesdays (1 net)
8.00pm Southeast Florida NBEMS Net
BRARA 145.29- PL110.9 |
If you have a special announcement, please consider using Groups.io to reach out to all your operator partners. This location can also be used to help you gain visibility to your project or efforts to meet your goals.
Helpful steps for many subject areas CLICK HERE
The BRARA Board and other volunteers will be reaching out to members to see how y’all doing and to stay connected. Please feel free to chat as long as you like and offer your stories and share your needs. Dam right, we’re hoping you are doing well and staying engaged and healthy.
If you know of an amateur or their family dealing with health issues or may have lost someone, please let us know. Robert K K3SUH is our go to person to send a communication in the form of a card to the person or family.
CLICK HERE to email your details.
From Jay N2ELG – None of us are as strong as all of us.
E7B16 (A)
What is the effect of intermodulation products in a linear power amplifier?
A. Transmission of spurious signals
B. Creation of parasitic oscillations
C. Low efficiency
D. All these choices are correct
What is one way to prevent thermal runaway in a bipolar transistor amplifier?
A. Neutralization
B. Select transistors with high beta
C. Use a resistor in series with the emitter
D. All these choices are correct
Be well 73
de N4BRF from The Shack