The Boca Raton Amateur Radio Association (BRARA) will be participating in Field Day again this year at our radio shack in the West Delray Regional Park located at 10875 West […]
New Hams Corner: Emergency Communication
Emergency Communication One of the requirements of our hobby is you are ready to provide emergency communications (EmComs) when regular links fail. For some of us this is the keystone […]
New Hams Corner: Contests
Contests- Fun for some, a pain for others. There are a lot of fun things for hams to do in this hobby. A lot of people will participate in an […]
New Hams Corner: Etiquette
This month’s focus will be etiquette. Beside the rules there are some things that hams should refrain from talking about on the air. It is never nice to bash another […]
New Amateur Radio Parity Act Bill Introduced in US House of Representatives
February 22, 2017
The text from HR1301, which ARRL says is identical to HR555, can be found here:
I would encourage everyone to read this bill very carefully, because it has issues that need to be addressed prior to passage.
In particular:
“(b) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS — In amending its rules as required by subsection (a), the Commission shall — (1) require any licensee in an amateur radio service to notify and obtain prior approval from a community association, if any, concerning installation of an outdoor antenna…”
So even if your current (or future) HOA doesn’t regulate your antennas, and even if your covenents say that you have a right to put up antennas for amateur radio purposes, this language would still require you to seek permission from your HOA prior to adding any external antenna to your house.
This bill isn’t ready for prime-time, and I would urge everyone to contact their ARRL division representatives to fix this. If the bill comes up for a vote, I would ask everyone to ask that your congresspeople vote against it.
This looks like “poison pill” legislation. It appears it will change nothing except to cause problems where none exists.
The wording of the bill could cause a serious blow to the hobby in general. We should urge that it be edited at the first opportunity or write to our representatives to oppose the bill when put to a vote.
Let me correct myself after a second reading. The bill would aid many amateurs.
The additional requirement for those few in associations which do not have current restrictions but would then be required to grant permission could be problematic.
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