Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 14-February-2024

Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2024   Location: Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Ralph W1DAR, Jay S N2ELG, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, Barry KO4FBU, Henry WA2ROA, Lou K4LA

President Ralph W1DAR called the meeting to order at 6:16 pm local. He then went through the Board members for reports.

Director at Large: Jay S N2ELG

Auction preparation is about done. PowerPoint with pictures is on Google drive. Next is to send out a mailing. Fred has offered to take stuff that doesn’t sell to the Stuart Hamfest 3/16.

Secretary’s Report: Mike K8BQ

Minutes from the January 10 Board meeting have been posted to the BLOG. Motion to accept by Jay S. seconded by Barry. Motion carried. Getting a 5G router would be an upgrade for the Shack. Barry made a motion to purchase a 5G router for no more than $450. Seconded by Ralph. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Bonnie KC2JVS

Cash Flow February 14, 2024

December 31,2023 Available Balance $12,927.58
January 31,2024 Available Balance $13,075.08
February 14, 2024 Available Balance $11,154.89

Income: $201.43
Income includes $30 listed as PayPal donations, 171.43 in memberships

Expenses: $2,121.62
Expenses include: $1,963 for new repeater, $38.62 miscellaneous supplies, $120 for hotspot

Above amounts include reserve funds of $5,000.
Balance available for operating capital after deposits and expenses clear $6,154.89

Director at Large: Barry KO4FBU

BRARA has permission to put up a shed inside our area. It will be complicated to get a permit. If we don’t have to do it, let’s keep using the space in the County shed as long as we can. Barry hasn’t heard back about the lock issue.

Director at Large: Lou K4LA

Lou pointed out that any Director can file SunBiz

Vice President: Henry WA2ROA

Radiator Grille is in March. Casa Tequila has been suggested for April 20. Members should be reminded that parking can be challenging. March guest speaker is Ian Barton. April will be Dave Best from DX Engineering.  Suggested locations for a group tour are the Norton Museum, Boca Museum, and a Delray Cruise. It was decided to go for the Delray cruise with a tentative date of April 16.  BRARA also needs to follow up on fixing Facebook issues.

Next steps in Rick Rosen’s satellite training.

  • Zoom Q&A sessions 8-9 Tuesday March 12 or Thursday March 14
  • Demo at the Shack Sunday Narch 17 or Saturday March 30
  • Antenna building project estimate 25 to 30 dollars depending on number of takers

Motion to adjourn by Jay S, seconded by Lou. Meeting adjourned at 7:07 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary