Posted in: General Meeting Minutes, Minutes

General Membership Meeting January 2024

BRARA General Membership Meeting minutes for 2-January-2024

The BRARA monthly association meeting was held in person at the Boca West Branch of the Palm Beach County Library and via Zoom conference. The meeting was called to order by the President, Ralph W1DAR at 6:36pm local. Attending: 22 at the library and 13 Zoom participants.  The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Officers and directors introduced themselves and provided an update of their club related activities. New director is Barry Gardner KO4FBU. This was followed by an open discussion of what the membership is interesting in doing this year.

Directors and Officers Present

Bruce KO4XL, Ralph W1DAR, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, Jay S N2ELG, Lou K4LA, Henry WA2ROA

Treasurer: Bonnie KC2JVS

Treasurer’s Report December 31, 2023

December 31,2022 Available Balance $9,096.26
November 30, 2023 Available Balance $12,878.28
December 30,2023 Available Balance $12,792.14

Income: $1,419.41
Income includes $849.86 in memberships, $569.55 from auction
Membership check received but not cleared in December $35.00

Expenses: $247.64 (plus $1,156.48)
Expenses include: $ 87.92 for LP bottles, $60.72 electric bill for one month, $99.00 for events calendar
plug in
(and $1,156.48 in holiday party refunds)
Not included approximately $2,000 for new repeater not yet billed

Above amounts include reserve funds of $5,000.
Balance available for operating capital after deposits and expenses clear $5,928.57.

Secretary: Mike K8BQ

Mike reported that the November minutes have been uploaded to the BRARA Blog. Motion to accept by Bruce KO4XL, seconded by Jay N2ELG. Motion carried. New members KB2TVR Jimmy Cook, KQ4MEV Gary Lipkin, W4MSS Michael Scheidell. Currently have 201 members. Still having issues with the UHF DMR repeater not connecting to the internet.

Director at Large: Jay S N2ELG

Jay runs the Sunday evening DMR Tech net at 7:00 pm.  He also helps coordinate the auctions, Next BRARA Auction is March 9.

Director at Large: Bruce KO4XL

We have to get testing and training going again. Bill Burke, WA2NCH, has offered to make BRARA shirts. Henry suggested that he bring some shirts to a meeting so people can see the sizes. Fran KD2CRH suggested sending an email with an order form.

Vice President / Membership Chairman: Henry WA2ROA

Winter FD will probably be a single station. Jeff K4BH let us know that the Gold Coast Winter FD will be at Quiet Water Park and all are welcome. Henry reported that Andrew KO4TZK will help organize the June FD. Upcoming lunches January; Lucilles, February; Lazy Dog, March; Radiator Grille 3/23. George Wa2VNV let us know the ARRL VHF/UHF contest is January 20 and 21, 2pm Saturday through Sunday. All welcome to come and operate at the Shack.

President: Ralph W1DAR

Ralph asked who is not using Groups IO. It is a good way to reach other members as a group. Can classify messages by type and filter what you see. Bruce manages Groups IO. To subscribe, send an email to This is a members only group.

Stu K3RZB asked if we have some items for future auctions that are more expensive. We currently have enough items for March and more.

Roy K4YV asked if we are still looking for items and perhaps we should open up the auction to other groups. Intenet of the auction is to give members first chance at nice items at a reasonable price, but we may put things on other venues such as hamfests, QRZ, etc if bids are too low.

Open Discussion:

We should schedule periodic Shack training so members know how to properly use our equipment.

Kit Building – Bruce suggested a tunable audio filter. Suggested that Bruce could give examples of kits as a speaker.

Henry suggested activities don’t have to be radio related.

Andrew KO4TZK get Scouts involved and youth in general. Get them to come to the Shack. Group POTA at Loxahatchee.

Fran KD2CRH suggested having a brunch

Rick K1DS suggested building a WA5VJB “cheap yagi” as a project. Also memory keyer kits. He offered to speak on satellite and EME operation.

Benett AC2NI offered to speak on an Intro to DMR

Jay WB2MKX suggested a speaker on SDR Play radio

Lou K4LA software driven technologies

Harold K4KZM discuss his flagpole antenna

From Zoom Chat:

Jay W1JAY is there interest in repairing radios

Maybe schedule day in the Shack for repair help


Rick K1DS memory keyer kit, microwave transverter “kits”, satellite communications

Jay WB2MKX tour Norton museum with a docent

Jo N2QFT sponsor flea market/garage sale

Stu K3RZB stealth antennas


Motion to adjourn by Jay S N2ELG, second by Henry WA2ROA.  Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary