Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 9-August-2023

Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2023   Location: Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL, Bonnie KC2JVS, Ralph W1DAR, George WA2VNV, Jay S N2ELG

Members present: Henry WA2ROA

President Bruce KO4XL, called the meeting to order at 6:17 pm local.

BOD Informal Agenda 08-09-23

  1. Officer/Committee Reports
    1. President Bruce
    2. VP Ralph
    3. Secretary Mike
      1. Approve Minutes
      2. Membership
    4. Treasurer Bonnie
    5. Lunch Dates/locations – Henry
      1. August 19 – El Balcon de las Americas
      2. September TBD
    6. Jay
    7. Jeff
    8. George
    9. Lou
  2. Old Business
    1. Survey items 1 and 2
      1. Field Day, Winter FD, additional contests, POTA, JOTA, hurricane and disaster preparedness, CERT classes, RACES, ARES, Hamfest charter bus, Comms for biking/boating/community events, sale/swap meet at Shack, equipment repair/advice at the Shack, foxhunts
      2. Be more conscientious of snowbird schedules, schedule monthly lunches in advance, more in-person activities such as Navy Seal Museum, antique car shows/museums, Kennedy Space Center, set date well in advance for November/December Holiday Party as a potluck or paid event.
    2. Holiday Party
  3. New Business
    1. JOTA
      1. Third weekend in October 10/20-10/22
      2. Bruce needs back-up organizer due to travel
        1. Work with Sam KS4BSA on logistics
      3. Solicit volunteers and get Youth Protection certified.
        1. Merit badge instructors
        2. Operators for BRARA station on site
        3. Assist with fox hunt and other youth activities
    2. Election
      1. Bruce to form nominating committee
      2. Each board member please advise Bruce if you wish to continue past 12/31/23 as a director
      3. Propose timetable
        1. Present slate at October general meeting
        2. Vote at November general meeting + email or web votes until the end of November
        3. Announce results in weekly email and at December meeting/party
        4. New board meets in December or early January to appoint officers

President’s Report: Bruce KO4XL

Bruce reported we have two new chairs in the VHF room that he purchased for the association. Jay helped him assemble them. He has some other topics that he will bring up during new business such as Jamboree on the Air and the club elections.

Vice President’s Report: Ralph W1DAR

Clean up around the Shack is pretty much done. Barry and Fred helped move the heavy stuff. Art helped with the inside stuff. Fred got the propane filled so that is ready for Radiator Grille.

Secretary’s Report: Mike K8BQ

Mike is away. George made a motion to approve the minutes. Ralph seconded. Minutes were approved. Discussion to stop running the reminder about renewing dues after the end the March in the future because it creates some confusion.

Treasurer’s Report: Bonnie KC2JVS

Cash Flow July 19, 2023

December 31,2022 Available Balance $9096.26
July 31, 2023 Available Balance $10,237.24
August 9, 2023 Available Balance $10,138.21

Income: $67.62
Income includes $67.62 in memberships. Not included $500 for air conditioner donation check that hasn’t cleared.

Expenses: $166.65
Expenses include $166.65 for generator conversion.
Not included: $ $370.19 quote for director’s insurance.
Above amounts include reserve funds of $5,000

Note: total received marked for air conditioner appeal $10,901.21

Membership Chair: Henry WA2ROA is confirmed the date for this month’s lunch on the agenda is correct.  Suggestion for September is Casa Tequila or Sabai Thai as a backup choice. Date suggested is September 30.  Also need a date for the Radiator Grille. After some discussion November 18, 11am-2pm was chosen with November 19 as a backup. Discussion on whether we should charge for Radiator Grille. Prepay with a reservation. Bonnie said at the last meeting that the Radiator Grille would be free. George made a motion to charge $5 for Radiator Grile, second by Jay. Motion carried.

Member at Large: Jay S N2ELG

Stu dropped off a radio for the Auction. He had bought it at the last auction and fixed it then donated it back. He also brought some other electronics stuff.  He needs a receipt for the donation.

Member at Large: George WA2VNV

Still need to do tower inspection of the cable. Also need to lubricate the cable with Belray chain lube. Should have the Shack roof inspected. Maybe get the roof coated with a heat reflecting coating.

Old Business

Survey items 1 and 2. We have already implemented some of the suggestions especially in #2. Board members discussed items shown on the agenda. Perhaps should emphasize JOTA next. Identified some club members who have helped in the past. George suggested that we create a written hurricane preparedness list for the Shack. Make plans next Shack day put a name to each item. One year we rented a large van for Orlando. Henry volunteered to poll the membership when the time comes. Bruce remembered a robot museum in Boca.

New Business

Elections are upcoming.


Motion to adjourn by Ralph, seconded by Jay S. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary