Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 27-August-2022

Date: Saturday, August 27, 2022   Location: via Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  George WA2VNV, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, Jay S N2ELG, Lou K4LA, Jeff S K4BH, John C N1QFH

Members present: Walt W4WCD, Henry WA2ROA

Secretary Mike K8BQ, called the meeting to order at 10:05 am local. Due to several members having to leave early we will start with New Business.

New Business

Constant Comment would cost the Association with a $13 monthly plan that would support up to 500 subscribers. Mailchimp is $34 a month for this quantity. Mailchimp has removed the capability to specify date and time of mailing from the free version. John C made a motion to migrate from Mailchimp to Constant Contact and BRARA allocate funds not to exceed $200 on an annual basis. Second Jay S. After discussion George called the question. A vote was taken and the motion carried unaminously.

Officer and Director Reports

President’s Report, Bruce – Not present

Vice President’s Report, Ralph – Not Present

Secretary’s Report, Mike – Motion to accept Minutes for the Board meeting on 07/30/2022 made by John C, seconded by Lou. The motion carried. There was not a quorum for 8/10/2022.  Current membership is 175.

Treasurer’s Report, Bonnie – Total cash received $67.62. Cash received includes memberships
Expenses: $502. Expenses include $317.45 for quarterly electric bill, $31.50 for FD chili, and $163.05 for wire for the 160 meter antenna.

Old Business

Reviewed and updated projects on Table 36-Projects

Reviewed and updated items on Table 43-BOD Actions

John C made a motion to hold the next BRARA lunch on September 10 at 1 pm at the Lay Dog restaurant. Second, Jay S. Motion carried.

Jay S made a motion to hold the next Radiator Grille on October 22 with a backup on October 29. Seconded by John C. Motion carried.

New Business

George asked the status of the current generator. Went off line to find more information on the one offered through Discussion on conversion kit for the current one. George called Stuart Gallant to find out more about it and negotiate a price.

LTE hotspot. $10 a month for 4G device cost $57. 5G costs more for the device $20 a month. Mike will get some contract data to Lou.

George made a motion to acquire the generator from Stu Gallant K3RZV for $300 and give him a donation letter for the market value of $600. Lou pointed out that the donation value should be $300 and the motion was amended accordingly. Motion was seconded by John C. The motion was carried. Bonnie will send Jeff S a check for $300 and a donation letter for $300. Jeff S will pick up the generator.

Other business

Walt- Bonnie still owes him a donation letter

Jeff S – October 1 is statewide simulated emergency test. Looking for people to activate. Melbourne Hamfest October 8.

Walt – We need to find the engine model number for our generator to determine what conversion kit is required to add the capability of using propane as well.

Motion to adjourn by Jay S second by John C.  Meeting adjourned at 11:35 am local.

Next BOD meeting 9/14

Respectfully submitted

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary