Posted in: General Meeting Minutes, Minutes

General Member Meeting September 2022

BRARA General Meeting minutes for 06-Sept-2022

The BRARA monthly association meeting was held via Zoom conference. The meeting was called to order by the Secretary, Mike K8BQ at  7:17 pm local. Attending: 27 Zoom participants.  Officers and directors provided an update of their club related activities. The general roundtable was postponed to allow for presentations on grants and Jamboree on the Air as well as to get our speaker going at a reasonable time.

Directors and Officers Present

Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, George WA2VNV, Lou K4LA, Ralph W1DAR, Jeff K4BH, Jay N2ELG

Vice President :Ralph W1DAR

Ralph discussed the clean up of surplus equipment the club has. We have a 4 can duplexer in the shed that says it is tuned to our VHF repeater frequencies. No one knows if it is any good. We do have the model and serial number for it. The clean up is part of the preparation for an upcoming auction.

Director at Large: Jay S N2ELG

Jay has been working with Ralph going through the club equipment

Secretary: Mike K8BQ

Minutes for the August general meeting are not available yet.   Minutes for July meeting had been posted on the BRARA Blog. Motion to accept Jay S N2ELG. Second Jeff S K4BH. Motion carried. Currently at 176 members for 2022. W1GGG, Tom Garcia became a Silent Key.

Treasurer: Bonnie KC2JVS

Bonnie provided a financial update for August. Total cash received was $67.62 which included memberships.  August expenses were $585.88. Expenses included $17.45 for the quarterly electric bill $31.50 for FD chili, $153.05 for wire to rehang the 160 meter antenna and $83.88 to Constant Contact, our new mail program.

Director at Large: Jeff S K4BH

Joe Ruby KJ4OW is a SK. He was a staple of the Gold Coast club. Earl won’t affect us. October 1 is the Similated Emergency Test. No communication allowed over telephone or cellular means.  Debriefing will be at the Melbourne Hamfest ARRL forum. Third week of October is Jamboree on the Air.

Director at Large Lou K4LA

Discussed ARRL grants. Board discussed potential of obtaining a grant from the ARRL. Henry WA2ROA is looking into potential grants in general. Ralph found information on the ARRL grants already issued. There is $230K that has not yet been allocated for a second period of grant submissions bween September 7 and November 4.  We need 3 or 4 members to run the program that we are requesting funding for. We need to determine what it would be for and members to carry out the program. There were no volunteers at the meeting.

Sam Wilfond WS4BSA

Sam discussed the Scouting Jamboree on The Air on the weekend of October 14 through 16. The Martin County Incident Command Unit will be on site for tours. He is looking for radio operators. He has some dorm space available. Multiple radio stations will be set up around the camp. Antennas must be on tripods or hung from trees. Power is available but bring cords, power supplies as well as radios. There is a fee to cover food.

Henry WA2ROA

Henry mentioned this months lunch at the Lazy Dog in Boca on Saturday 9/10 at 1 pm.

George WA2VNV

Serial number of the duplexer we have 6382. Also, please send out meeting reminder earlier in the day.

Old Business- none

New Business- none


Chris Blake NX4N delivered a Mobile QSO Party Contesting presentation.


Motion to adjourn by Jay N2ELG, second by George WA2VNV.  Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary