Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 18-June-2022

Date: Saturday, June 18, 2022   Location: The Shack and also via Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL, John C N1QFH, George WA2VNV, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, Jay S N2ELG, Lou K4LA, Ralph W1DAR, Jeff S K4BH

Members present: Walt W4WCD, Henry WA2ROA, Barry KO4FBU

President Bruce KO4XL called the meeting to order at 10:11 am local.

Officer and Director Reports

George – nothing to report

Ralph – nothing to report. July speaker is Robert Molleda from NOAA on hurricanes

Lou – We need to have someone responsible present. whenever the generator is running.  ARRL lists the duties of the Safety Officer. Lou believes the liability of the club for the lunch is minimal. Bonnie will send him a copy of our liability policy. Henry asked about the potential for serving alcohol as individual purchases at the restaurant. Perhaps we could ask that it not be served as part of our lunch.

President’s Report, Bruce – Ordered Winkeyer Minis. These don’t have any external controls, but are controlled by the N1MM program

Jay S – Nothing for the club

George – Nothing specific to report for Field Day

Henry – Lunch today. We had four dropouts, but there are some others who want to attend

Secretary’s Report, Mike – Motion to accept Minutes for Board meeting on 06/8/2022 made by John C, seconded by Jeff S. The motion carried. New member is K1MMM Albert Lafreniere

Treasurer’s Report, Bonnie – Cash received is $33.81 so far this month from membership. Expenses are $481.07 from the Radiator Grille, $210.79 for a roof skid to hold the DMR link antenna, 39.50 for Web Forms, $149.00 for Winkeyers, and $35.50 for a circuit board to repair an ASTRON power supply. Ralph suggested showing the $3000 reserve as a separate line item from our working funds.

John C – Not planning to be on site much for FD. Been working on logo.

Walt – The County will repair or replace our picnic tables. They are also looking at possibly relocating one of the Jiffy Johns from the airplane club to our location. The shed key should work for the County lock on our gate. The club has been sent a hurricane document from the County stating policies that may be implemented in the event of a storm.

Jeff S – Nothing specific, will be at Gold Coast

Jerry Z – not present

Old Business

Logo and Badge Design: Have badge and shirt vendors on standby. George suggested adding a dot showing Boca Raton. After some discussion it was decided to use a star. Jay S made a motion to adopt the logo change. Seconded by George. The motion was approved. John moved to update the website banner and tagline. Jay S seconded the motion. The motion was approved. George was asked for his permission to use the picture showing him climbing the tower on the banner. He agreed to let us to that.

The SignMan will have a webpage on his site for ordering the BRARA badges as soon as we tell him to go.

Field Day discussion: We could have our press release after FD with our photos because we don’t want a lot of press at a minimal effort event. Station 1 will use primarily 20 meters with the Steppir. Station 3 will have the larger fan dipole covering 10-80 meters. Station 4 will use the small fan dipole on 10-40 meters and have FT8 capability. Any VHF/UHF operation requires one of the others to shut down.

New Business – None

Miscellaneous Discussion – None

Motion to adjourn by John C second by Jeff S.  Meeting adjourned at 11:45 am local.

Respectfully submitted

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary