Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 25-September-2021

Date: Saturday September 25 2021   Location: via Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL,  Ralph W1DAR, Jay S. N2ELG,  Bonnie KC2JVS, Mike G K8BQ, Lou K4LA, John C N1QFH, George WA2VNV

Members present: Walt W4WCD,  Henry WA2ROA Membership Chair, Art WA8VSJ

President Bruce called the meeting to order at 10:04 AM local.

The following Agenda was presented:

  1. Officer Reports
    1. President
      1. Echolink
      2. Outdoor Outlets
      3. JOTA Participation
    2. VP
      1. Keys
      2. Speakers
      3. Radiator Grille
    3. Treasurer
      1. Financial report
      2. O&D Insurance
    4. Secretary
      1. New Members
  2. Director and Chair reports
    1. John
      1. Storage of new grill
      2. SK donation policy
    2. Jay
      1. Old radios
      2. Nets
    3. George – AED Quote
    4. Henry-membership
    5. Walt-county
    6. Jerry-repeaters
  3. Old Business
    1. BRARA Member Privacy Policy
    2. BRARA Conflict of Interest Policy tabled
  4. New Business

Officer and Directors Update

President’s Report

Bruce reported that Seth Taylor KC2WE has volunteered to work on the repair of the outside outlets at the Shack.  He has done an inspection and will come back Bruce is working with Jay to restore the Echolink to operation. They think it may be up an running.  He also is looking for volunteers to support the Jamboree on the Air at the Scout Camp.  It is scheduled the week before the Radiator Grille.

VP Report

Ralph issued one new key. Speaker for October is Les and November is Ria Jiram N2RJ.  He hit a sale at Publix and purchased 48 bottles of water for the Radiator Grille. He also noted that when PNC bank sent him a payment it stated on the envelope “Payment Enclosed”. He has seen that ground beef has gone up $1 a pound. He asked for documentation for our tax ID number so we can purchased things tax free where possible as a non-profit. He also asked about progress on getting the refrigerator working again. Bruce said he now has time to work on getting that completed.

Treasurer’s Report

Bonnie provided a financial report.  Expenses were $160 for the grill Ralph purchased for the club and $165.61 for electric.  She also said that the ARRL had a way for clubs to keep a portion of ARRL memberships submitted through the club. She has been working with the web team to help make the web site more friendly. Bruce asked if there was someone like Ria who could address a Board meeting to discuss getting women more involved.  She presented the levels of coverage offered by our insurance provider for Officer’s and Director’s insurance. A discussion was held on the best way to proceed.  It was determined we don’t need employment practices insurance since we don’t employ anyone. John asked if we needed to bond people who handle money. After some discussion it was determined that we don’t really have enough money for it to be worthwhile. George made a motion to take the $1,000,000 policy with the 15% discount for including the attorney’s fees in the limit (Defense Within Limits option). Jay seconded the motion. Motion carries.  The Treasurer was directed to send the insurance agent a check ASAP to ensure coverage before the Radiator Grille.  The cost was calculated as 403.75 but will be verified.

Secretary’s Report

Mike noted that the minutes for the August 28 Board meeting had been uploaded to the web site.  A motion to accept the August 28 minutes was made by Lou, seconded by John and was carried. Mike also presented the current membership report. Ralph mentioned a boy and his mother visited the Shack and were shown the equipment.  He wants to become a ham so he can talk to his grandmother. John checked through the membership data and reported we have 102 claimed ARRL members which would be 52% of the total membership.

Committee Reports

John recommended letting the Membership Committee discuss how the club should handle Silent Key donations.  They would then bring the results of their discussion and any policy proposed back to the Board.  Bruce recommended that we also need to look at who we may have lost who haven’t been recognized and perhaps should have been. John said that he will set up a place in the shed to store our grill, but the gas needs to stay outside. The website has been updated to make it easier to find meeting information. He is also looking at changing the banner and logo. He has also made much of the site table driven to make it easier for others to modify..  The web team also needs to look at what needs to be kept since we may have too much there.

Jay reported we still have a number of radios.  He has someone who is interested in some of them.  Bruce was also contacted by Jeff Beals who is supposed to set up an antique radio display at the County Fairgrounds who will take what is left.  We need them out before the Radiator Grille. Sunday DMR Tech Net is going well. He also updated three old laptops that need power supplies. It was discussed that if the club doesn’t need them we should put them in the next auction. George said don’t get rid of the old one in the VHF room with a docking station. He downloaded presentations from QSO Today so will put them on a machine in the main room.  Jay also took out a number of wasp nests and suggested caution around the Shack.

George got the quote for the AED. The vendor suggested also purchasing a box to hang the AED on the wall.  It would be good to order this and get it before the Radiator Grille if possible. Jeff suggested a trauma kit in a previous meeting. We will do that separately. We need to decide on a location to mount it that is plainly visible. Bruce will be the shipping address. Lou and Ralph will handle the install.  We need to reroute the cord for the 160 antenna back through the pulley. Ralph pulled it up high enough to mow under it.  Matthew volunteered to climb to rerun the rope. George asked about lubricating the cable. Walter did that already.  We also should be periodically moving the rotor to prevent dead spots. Ralph says that we have a couple of dead spots. He wonders if we need new caps for the motor.  George thinks that we need to try lubricating the thrust bearing at the top as well as spray underneath it.  We should also consider holding future Radiator Grilles a later in the year to accommodate snowbirds.

Henry will be meeting with Bonnie and John to set up a meeting in the next week.

Walt no report

Jerry no report

Lou says the Conflict of Interest and Privacy Policies have been completed and ae awaiting approval. Bruce suggested that they be adopted as written. George made a motion to accept the BRARA Member Privacy Policy as written, seconded by Jay. Motion carried. George made a motion to accept the BRARA Conflict of Interest Policy as written, seconded by John C. Motion carried. Mike pointed out a minor spelling change required in one section.

Old Business

New Business

Comment on Radiator Grille – the Shack will not be open for general use, only as needed by workers.

Motion to adjourn by Jay, second by John C. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:42 AM.

Respectfully submitted

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary