Date: Wednesday May-12-2021 Location: via Zoom
Directors and Officers Present: Bruce KO4XL, Jay S. N2ELG, Bonnie KC2JVS, Mike G K8BQ, Jeff S K4BH, Lou K4LA, John C N1QFH, Ralph W1DAR
Members Present: Eric WB2IAQ
Bruce called the meeting to order at 6:14 pm local.
The following items were discussed and actions assigned:
This was a virtual meeting using Zoom. Officers and directors presented brief updates but most discussion was limited to documents detailing the requirements for Shack reopening as presented by Lou and his committee as well has setting the date and process to be followed reopening the shack.
Previous BOD Minutes
Motion to accept April 24 minutes was made by Lou, second by John C, carried.
Officer and Directors Update
John wants to make sure the reservation process is set up before he leaves. Bruce feels what we have is probably good enough.
Bonnie presented the financial report. Heads up from Walt that the electric bill for 6 months is coming about $140. Received PDF of current insurance policy for the club. Still issues with PNC. Need to have training for people getting access to shack for the first time. Ralph asked about reimbursement for the lock he purchased for the Shack. Bonnie found the email with the receipt.
Mike Commented on minutes. Membership holding at 166 plus 6 pending. Need to contact them. John suggests calling them would be more successful. Discussed setting up a meeting of auction committeeto plan dates and times for pickup for the auction.
Ralph discussed choices for a Don Keith presentation. Consensus seems to be a presentation called Resonance Shmezonance. Rich is June, Bruce has July, Seth has August. John and Ralph will get together on tracking keys
Jay would like to see some kind of tailgating set up in the future
Lou: Bonnie sent him the application for officers and directors insurance. The application needs answers from the Board. He reviewed them with the Board. He also finished a simple non-discrimination policy.
Jeff S: No report
Discussion on Reopening
Question; Does having a liability release get our insurance off the hook? Lou responded that it does not.
Ralph made a motion to approve the documents in their current form. Second John.
Discussion this is the Phase 1 document
Jeff S called the question
Motion Carried.
Practical considerations: Are we going to change the keys before reopening? Originally discussed changing the lock but are limited to how many can be at the Shack to flip them. Changing the keys will get people to sign the waiver though.
Discussion: do it for a couple of weeks in a row with people coming in to sign waiver and exchange keys or get a new one for the first time. Suggested last two weekends in May with opening on June 5. Change the lock June 4 or the day before. Key swap days May 22 and May 29. Time set in the afternoon 2 to 4 pm.
John; suggested sending an email to all eligible for keys.
Jay; suggested doing the auction the same time. That will be a separate email.
John; asked if we are going to have training. Bruce said not just necessarily rig training, but also how to close up the station when leaving.
John; Should we have a cleaning crew from a sanitary point of view. Jeff S said we need to emphasize wipe down of desk and equipment and use mic covers..
Bruce; one person does a walkthrough of procedures and turns them over to Ralph for waiver and keys
Refrigerator; Bruce will reach out to Magnum to see if they will repair it under “warranty”
Bruce will print out 100 copies of the waiver and bring them to the shack.
Bruce will wordsmith the announcement for John on the key swap.
Need to reprogram the Shack door code the day we switch the padlocks.
Ralph made a motion that we will open the Shack June 5th by reservation only during Park hours. John C second
Discussion 7am to 7pm on the reservation system
Jeff S called the question: Motion carried
John requested going through action items on previous minutes at our nest meeting. Bruce will build the agenda on that
Motion to adjourn John C, second Jeff S, meeting adjourned at 7:14 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary