Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 24-APR-2021

Date: Saturday-Apr-24-2021   Location: via Zoom   

Directors and Officers Present:  Bruce KO4XL,  Jay S. N2ELG, George WA2NVW, Bonnie KC2JVS, Mike G K8BQ,  Jeff S K4BH, Lou K4LA,  John C N1QFH

Members Present: Art WA8VSJ, Walt W4WCD

Bruce called the meeting to order at 10:05 am local.

The following items were discussed and actions assigned:


This was a virtual meeting using Zoom. Officers and directors presented brief updates but most discussion was limited to documents detailing the requirements for Shack reopening as presented by Lou and his committee

Previous BOD Minutes

Motion to accept April 14 minutes was made by Lou, second by John C, carried.

Officer and Directors Update

Jay S told the group that John Q purchased the crystal assortment that was in a box but ended up in a bag.  Mike updated the list to show John Q purchased the crystals.

Mike provided an update on the auction which should raise $547 for the club.  He also provided a membership update.

Bonnie presented a financial report.  She has found that the application for the Officer’s and Director’s insurance requires the President’s signature.  It also asked if we have a non-discrimination policy.  Lou offered to check with the ARRL to see if they have a sample.

John C reported the shed cleaning is a work in progress.  We need to plan how to hand off items to the auction winners.  The memorial plaques should be ordered before reopening.  The HEPA filter should be replaced before reopening.  He found when he raised the tower that the belt needs some TLC. Jeff S suggested that we should look into replacing the cable as well. John reminded the group about the simplex exercise on May 8. He also wanted to thank all those who bid on the auction.

Jeff S reminded us that we are getting closer to hurricane season.  Time to get go kits together and participate in nets and training. He requested feedback on his draft brochure that he sent the Board.  It was decided to print up a small quantity to put in the shack for reopening. He also has a number of presentations.

Bruce reported speaker for May was Ed to talk about VOACAP.  A lot of available presenters will need to present remotely.  Need to see if can use Zoom from the library.  John suggested Mike should find out how to register for a meeting room at the library. If we go back to the Glades branch for Board meetings the same applies there.

Discussion on Reopening

Lou:  Comments from 3 people.

Lew K4LEW made a suggestion via email to change wording in B. Phase One, Paragraph 5, eliminate the word then (before current conditions) and change conditions to criteria Some discussion to eliminate “which include” and replace with current criteria instead of spelling them out as follows in the paragraph.  In C. Phase Two, Paragraph 3, a similar change should be made. Best to use “current criteria” rather than spell things out.  This change will be made. Also question on difference between Phase 1 and Phase 2. Basically Phase 2 is back to more normal conditions following guidelines

John C had three comments. First on 3. Change from a negative to being a positive. Anyone experiencing symptoms  … shall not not visit to Anyone free of symptoms … shall be eligible to visit. After discussion it was decided most people are familiar with the negative expression. Leave it as is. He also suggested to change include language which is now moot.  His other suggestion in number 5 in Phase One is to add to the sentence “individuals who are issued a key to the shack” the phrase “or make a member only reservation request” shall sign the waiver. Bruce likes tying the key to signing the waiver as it represents an exchange. This led to an extended discussion on the possible liability of not requiring the waiver for people without keys. John requested to be on record that any member in good standing entering the shack should sign the waiver.  Art suggested that the waiver should be signed as part of first joining the club.  After that, then there is no issue. George agreed with Art.  The point of this is to use a radio.  Guests don’t need to sign a waiver. Add the requirement “key to the shack or a reservation” to Phase One verbiage. Lou suggested leave Phase 2 alone until the time comes and the Board needs to make a decision based on the current situation.

John then suggested the Shack opening procedure should be in the club’s policy book.  Art said this is a temporary thing and should not be a policy. Discussion followed on over regulation and the hope this is an interim measure.

Mike: Phase One trash dispensers should be trash receptacles. Paragraph 6 remove “at each station”.

George made a motion to accept the reopening plan with the changes agreed to at this meeting second by Jay. 6 affirmative votes the motion carries.

Motion to adjourn John C, second Jeff S, meeting adjourned at 11:25 am.

Respectfully submitted

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary