Directors and Officers Present
Bruce KO4XL, Jeff K4BH, George WA2VNV, Jay N2ELG, John N1QFH, Lou K4LA, Ralph W1DAR, Bonnie KC2JVS, Mike K8BQ
MINUTES for 5-January-2021
The BRARA monthly association meeting was held via Zoom conference. The meeting was called to order by the President KO4XL at approx. 7:15 pm. Attending: 29 Zoom participants. Each attendee shared their current status, projects and helpful information.
Officers for Jan 2021-Dec 2023
The Board of Directors met on January 2 and elected the following officers.
- President: Bruce Ratoff KO4XL
- Vice President: Ralph Mele W1DAR
- Treasurer: Bonnie Greenfeld KC2JVS
- Secretary: Mike Greenfeld K8BQ
Secretary’s Report
Moved by John N1QFH to accept December minutes as posted, second by George WA2VNV, accepted.
The table reflects current 2021 membership
New Members
We welcome the following new members to BRARA
- Todd Greenstein KC0NNL
David Warner KB4ICU
Yasuo Fujima KD6KTD
Larry Gabriel K4BZY
Mark Lindeman KS4G
Heliene Curtiss c/o Sam WM3Q
Jerrold Ziperstein N4TSC
Jan Welten KO4AEP
Mike Brumberger WB3DEL
President’s Report
Bruce reminded the membership of the BRARA site and its uses.
Review of Upcoming Meetings
- Next BRARA general meeting is 7:00pm Tuesday 2-Feb-2021 via ZOOM
- Next BRARA Board meeting is 6.00pm Wed 13-Jan-2021 via ZOOM (2nd Wed of month)
- BRARA Board Meeting is 10:00 PM Sat 30-Jan-2021 via ZOOM (Sat before general meeting)
QSL Status Report: Ed N4II
No report
Jay N2ELG gave net update for DMR Tech Net
Treasurer’s report Patrick KE4OBV
Final balance report
- December 31, 2020: $7319.88
- December 31, 2019: $4434.54
- Current Month Expenses: $239.29
- Current Month Deposits: $1778.45
Vice President: Ralph M. W1DAR
No report
Director at Large: Jerry.Z W4BFL
No report
Director at Large: John C. N1QFH
John pointed out upcoming events in January. Winter Field Day on January 30 and 31 as well as the Winter Heat VHF simplex contest. He also pointed out updates to the BRARA web site.
Director at Large: Jeff.S K4BH
No report
Repeater Trustee: Lew K4LEW
No update
Director at Large: George.S WA2VNV
VHF contest coming up weekend of Jan 16 and 17
Old Business
The following items were covered:
- No old business
New Business
- No new business
Matthew KO4DJG on “micro-processors.”
Moved by Jay N2ELG, second Joe WA3OPX, adjourned at 8:07 pm local time.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary