Posted in: Announcement, Event


The annual ARRL VHF Sweepstakes contest is this weekend and starts at 2PM local Saturday Jan 16 and lasts through Sunday night at 11PM.

Contacts from 50MHz on up, any mode and you can arrange contacts by any means (telephone, repeater, chat channel, etc).

I will try to be in the Rover class, operating bands 50-144-432 and 1296 both SSB and CW in grids EL96 and EL97.

I am asking BRARA members to assist in improving my score by contacting me on 146.55 FM. I will be at an elevated spot and will check that FM frequency at 2PM, 3PM and 4PM on Saturday. I can also try 446.000FM after the 2m FM QSO. The usual calling frequency for 2m SSB is 144.2MHz.

I hope that many of you will be on and QSO with me, exchange is your call and grid square.

You can also QSO all other members of the club and we can even submit an aggregate club score if enough of you keep and submit a log.

CLICK for details

Email me directly if you need more info.

TNX, Rick K1DS