Posted in: General Meeting Minutes, Minutes

General Member Meeting March 2023

BRARA General Meeting minutes for 7-March-2023

The BRARA monthly association meeting was held via Zoom conference. The meeting was called to order by the Secretary, Mike K8BQ at 7:15pm local. Attending: 31 Zoom participants.  Officers and directors provided an update of their club related activities. Tonight’s speaker is Bruce Braun, W6SFG with a presentation on his support of an expedition to explore the Titanic.

Directors and Officers Present

Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, John C N1QFH, George WA2VNV, Jay S N2ELG, Lou K4LA, Jeff S K4BH, Ralph W1QAR

Secretary: Mike K8BQ

Mike opened the meeting and announced tonight’s speaker. February minutes have been uploaded to the BRARA Blog. Motion to accept Jay S N2ELG, seconded by Jeff S K4BH. Motion carried. New members Richard Bascom KB4SVP, Gus Betzer KK4CO, Joe Borrow K1GFH, and Frank Gatto KQ4GEO. Current 2023 membership is 159.

Treasurer: Bonnie KC2JVS

Treasurer’s Report February 28, 2023

December 31,2022 Available Balance $9096.26
January 31, 2023 Available Balance $10,258.82
February 28,2023 Available Balance $9491.26

Income: $272.90
Income includes $239.05 in memberships, $23.85 from Amazon Smile, and $10 in donations.
Not included $35 in membership check not cleared, and monies collected for group antenna purchase.

Expenses: $1040.46
Expenses include$ $738.29 for new chairs for shack, $106.88 for new light for shack, $47.05 for gas for
generator at Winter Field Day, $64.20 for lunch for rotor repair crew, and $84.06 for batteries to put
UPS on each HF radio
Expenses not included are $172.89 for rotor repair parts, $162.11 for constant contact subscription,
$120 for hot spot subscription renewal, and $226.76 for quarterly light bill

Available Balance includes $3,000 cash reserve

Director at Large: Jay S N2ELG

Ralph and Jay put together the documents for the next auction.

Vice President: Ralph W1DAR

Be careful with Stations 1 and 3. It is possible to mess up the FT8 settings if you aren’t, Benett AC2NI got everything up and running.

Director at Large: George WA2VNV

Purchased a new ring gear and a brake delay box. The brake delay is going on the VHF room rotor controller. Matt KO4DJG and Jan KK3W did most of the heavy lifting for the rotor replacement. The old rotor has been rebuilt and stored away. The new rotor is completely operational.

Director at Large: Jeff S K4BH

Looking for support for an upcoming bicycle event in Palm Beach County. More information on the Gold Coast web site.

Director at Large: John C N1QFH

Summer FD is coming up. A planning meeting is scheduled for March 21. The scheduled Skywarn class is full. We could use more particpation in our monthly simplex exercise to get a better idea of emergency capabilities.

Membership Chair: Henry WA2ROA

Radiator Grill March 11 from 11 to 2. Setup starts 9:15am with cleanup at 2:00pm. Need people to help remove garbage.

Director at Large: Lou K4LA

Lou suggested take advantage of the good solar conditions. A lot of effort has been put into getting the Shack operational.

New Business:

George noted that the A/C is getting weak at the Shack. Looking for suggestions for service people, Harold K4KZM will forward a suggestion.


Motion to adjourn by Jay S N2ELG, second by John C N1QFH.  Meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm. Presentation by Bruce Braun followed.

Respectfully submitted,
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary