Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 23-September-2023

Date: Saturday, September 23, 2023   Location: Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Ralph W1DAR, Jay S N2ELG, Lou K4LA, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, George WA2VNV

Members present: Henry WA2ROA

Vice President Ralph W1DAR, called the meeting to order at 10:05 am local.

Member at Large: Jay S N2ELG

Fixed battery charger for the recorder. One of the two cameras that was not working is back online.

Member at Large: George WA2VNV

Nothing new to report.

Secretary’s Report: Mike K8BQ

Minutes for September 13 BOD meeting has been posted to the Blog. Ralph moved to accept the September 13 minutes, seconded by Jay. Motion carried.  BRARA currently has 190 members. We have one new member paid and one new application, but no payment as of yet.

Treasurer’s Report: Bonnie KC2JVS

Cash Flow September 13, 2023

December 31,2022       Available Balance               $9096.26

August 31, 2023            Available Balance               $10,740.83

September 23, 2023     Available Balance              $10.493.13

Income:  $203.17

Income includes $101.43 in memberships and $101.74 in donations

($97.32 donation in memory of Walt and $4.42 test of PayPal link for equipment sale)

Expenses:  $451.07 

Expenses include $74.77 for check printing, $6.11 for miscellaneous and $370.19 for director’s insurance

Not included: $ 87.92 for LP bottles not cleared

Above amounts include reserve funds of $5,000

Balance available for operating capital $5,405.21

Member at Large: Lou K4LA

The TS990 has been put on QRZ, not yet sold. 1548 views, one offer. We’ve come down to $4350 including shipping and insurance which was not accepted bidder was firm at $4000 all included. Still on the market. Barry suggested if we sell sending Joyce $3000 plus flowers. Also giving Andrew $25 for his time and assistance. George suggested also listing on

Vice President’s Report: Ralph W1DAR

We have a speaker for our October meeting. Michael Walker from Flex Radio. He let Ed Callaway, N4II know about Walt. November 7 speaker is David Alperstein N4DOV, on his mobile installation. Fran Taylor KD2CRH has expressed an interest in doing some writing for BRARA.

Membership Chair: Henry WA2ROA

Henry noted that his attorney informed him that he is open to liability with his activities organizing BRARA events. Lou reviewed our policy and it only covers officers and directors. There is no way to stretch it to cover others. We would need to change bylaws to create a special cless of directors. Could also make the Membership Chair an officer in the bylaws. Henry would consider becoming a Director at Large if elected.

No response to inquiry about BRARA activities.


Need a backup for Lew, W4LEW. Actually, we need backup for all club tasks. Also need passwords and keys available. Lew has the only keys to the cabinet the duplexer is in.


Henry spoke with Jeff Stahl about training. Decided to hold until Bruce gets back.

Silent Key Discussion

Henry offered to help organize a celebration of life for Walt and John if there was sufficient interest. Bonnie suggested a notebook of remembrances it the Shack. Henry offered to compile memories to put on the website. Ralph said to go ahead. Will send out email and add to Saturday blast. Jay and Ralph discussed their last visits with Walt and John.

Motion to adjourn by Jay S, seconded by Lou. Meeting adjourned at 7:16 pm.

Next General Meeting 10/3, Board meeting 10/11

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary