Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 21-June-2023

Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2023   Location: Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL, Ralph W1DAR, Jay S N2ELG, Lou K4LA, George WA2VNV, Mike K8BQ

Members present: Walt W4WCD Henry WA2ROA

President Bruce KO4XL, called the meeting to order at 6:07 pm local.  Two items of business.

  • Act on a quote to replace Shack air conditioner.
  • Fill vacancies on the Board.

Quote to replace the A/C was $7800 all inclusive. This was for a unit identical to what we have.

Jay S made a motion to approve an expenditure not to exceed $8000 to replace the air conditioner. Seconded by George. Discussion on delivery commitment and other quotes.  Will verify that unit is in stock.

Do we have the money on hand? How much can we raise?  Mike checked with Bonnie. We have about $7950 on hand. George asked how much down payment.

Jay called the question and requested the votes be recorded. Jay S yes, George yes, Lou yes, Bruce yes. Motion carried and the expenditure authorized.

Bruce the second item of business is to fill the vacancies on the BRARA BOD. By-laws do not allow two directors from the same family. Recommends appointing Ralph Mele and Bonnie Greenfeld to become directors to replace Jerry Zaza and John Cole. They have agreed to serve.

Jay S made the motion to appoint Ralph and Bonnie to the BRARA BOD effective immediately through the remainder of the current term ending Dember 31, 2023. Seconded by George. No additional discussion. Motion was carried.

Should we put in the stop leak kit George bought before Field Day? Need to do no later than Friday afternoon. Need to do a video phone call. We’ll try to get someone to do it.

Motion to adjourn by Ralph, seconded by Jay S. Meeting adjourned at 6:33 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary