Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 27-May-2023

Date: Saturday, May 27, 2023   Location: Shack and Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL, Ralph W1DAR, Jay S N2ELG, Lou K4LA, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, George WA2VNV

Members present: Walt W4WCD Henry WA2ROA

President Bruce KO4XL, called the meeting to order at 12:07 pm local.

BOD Informal Agenda 05-27-23

Officer/Committee reports

  1. President Bruce
  2. VP Ralph
  3. Secretary Mike
    1. Approve minutes
    2. Membership
  4. Treasurer Bonnie
  5. June/July lunch dates/locations – Henry
    1. June 17 – TBD
    2. July 22- TBD
  6. Jay
  7. Jeff
  8. George
  9. Lou

Old Business

  1. A/C repair status
    1. Discuss quote from Willis
  2. Satellite station
  3. Conversion of generators to LP gas – Mike
  4. Tower recabling- No progress
  5. Date changes
    1. July general meeting will be 7/11
    2. July mid-month BOD 7/19
    3. Saturday BOD should be 4th Saturday unless need to change
      1. July BOD is 7/29
  6. Authorize purchase of 2 headsets for stations 3,4
  7. Purchase of 10m bandpass filter (FQP, FD, etc.) – Bruce – done

New business

  1. Filling of N1QFH roles
    1. Events
      1. Need new chair for FQP and AFD – Bruce is backup
      2. Future?
  2. Constant Contact – Mike?
  3. Webmaster
    1. Bruce will contact Ron Ratoff
  4. Holiday party?
  5. Recruiting?

President, Bruce – Jay took some pictures of the TS990. Will put on QRZ and QTH

Vice President, Ralph – Nothing new for the meeting

Secretary, Mike – Minutes for the May 10, 2023, meeting have been uploaded to the Blog. Motion to accept Jay S, second by Lou. George requested that the minutes be corrected by including his request to fill the vacancy left by Jerry Z on the board. Motion carried. Bruce will try to have update on filling Board vacancies for the next meeting. We currently have 176 members.

Treasurer, Bonnie – Bonnie presented the cash flow report.

Cash Flow May 17, 2023

December 31,2022 Available Balance $9096.26
April 30, 2023 Available Balance $6,340.51
May 27, 2023 Available Balance $8,142.03

Income: $2,552.15
Income includes $102.62 in memberships, $35.53 from Amazon Smile, and $2412 from Auction
Not included: monies collected for group antenna purchase, $55.00 from auction not cleared, $17.40
from United Way

Expenses: $750.63
Expenses include: $530.46 for Spring Radiator Grille, $23.26 for keyboard, $79.96 to Grainger for
fiberglass tube, and $116.95 to Dunestar for bandpass filters
Not included: $233.26 not cleared

Bonnie was asked to put together a list of major expenses to be updated at the next meeting if possible.

Membership Henry – June lunch on the 17th at Lazy Dog

Jay S – Ralph and I took pictures for the next auction. Will get online soon, Date for next auction tentatively the second Saturday in September. George pointed out most snowbirds aren’t down until after Election Day. Tabled for now.

George – Nothing new.

Lou – Sent Bonnie information on headphones. She has ordered them.

A/C Issues – Trailer supplier quoted $4750 and $1400 shipping. Install $700. About $6850. Do we want to keep running it? We have some leak stop and Freon. Will it slowly degrade?  If we replace it with the same model should we keep motors as spares.  We should monitor operating temperatures when running as well as current draw using a clamp on meter. When was the filter  last changed? A month or two ago. Decision deferred pending current and temperature check.

Satellite Station – Fiberglass mast is here.

Generator – Generator brought in for conversion. Waiting on final price quote. Walt says we have a cable with power connector for the new generator in the box with the FD cables.

Bandpass Filter – Filter is in the cabinet with the others.

Holiday Party – Update from Maggiano’s $40 – 50 a person. Would we consider a November option? Have to put down a 50% deposit.

Filling N1QFH Roles – Bruce will ask if his brother can run the website.

Remaining agenda items tabled for a future meeting.

Motion to adjourn by Jay S seconded by Lou. Meeting adjourned at 1:09 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary