Posted in: General Meeting Minutes, Minutes

General Member Meeting July 2022

BRARA General Meeting minutes for 05-July-2022

The BRARA monthly association meeting was held via Zoom conference. The meeting was called to order by the President, Bruce KO4XL at  7:13 pm local. Attending: 33 Zoom participants. Each attendee checked in with name, call, and location.  Officers and directors provided an update of their club related activities.

Directors and Officers Present

Bruce KO4XL, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, George WA2VNV, Lou K4LA, Ralph W1DAR, Jeff K4BH, John N1QFH

Secretary: Mike K8BQ

Minutes for the June general meeting have been added to the BRARA Blog. Motion to accept June minutes made by John C, seconded by Dennis KA2TGQ. Motion carried accepting June minutes correcting reference to John Stahl, K4BH to Jeff Stahl, K4BH. New members from since the June meeting; Albert Lafreniere K1MMM, Marshall Brooks KY4NK, Dany Ribacoff WB2SMF, Robert Bauer K4EHB, Michael Pecorini K2MRP. Current membership for 2022 is 173.

Treasurer: Bonnie KC2JVS

Bonnie provided a financial update for June. Total cash received was $63.62 which included memberships.  June expenses were $915.86 which included $481.07 for the Radiator Grille, $39.50 for a web form addon to WordPress, $149.00 for WinKeyers, $210.79 for repeater equipment and $35.50 for a board for the ASTRON power supply. Pending expenses not included in the avaialble balance are $139.26 for generator repair, $12.62 for whiteboard markers, $55.00 for miscellaneous FD expenses, $169.82 for FD food, and a $10.00 refund of a payment for a badge requested under the previous program.

George asked for clarification about the repeater expense. It is for an antenna mounting sled to be used to hold the DMR link antenna. George said it should be classified as a DMR repeater expense.

Director at Large: Jeff S K4BH

We are in hurricane season. The Gold Coast club is holding tests every month

Director at Large Lou K4LA

Helped out on Field Day. Poor propagation at the start. Ran 40 CW midnight to 7 am. Thanks to all who made it succesful.

President: Bruce KO4XL

Field Day activity was enjoyable. Thanks to all who participated.

Vice President: Ralph W1DAR

No club business

Director at Large: Jay S N2ELG – Not present

Director at Large: John C N1QFH

Thanked all who helped with the planning and setup for Field Day. Personally learned a lot from working through the issues. Convert generators to propane. We had a couple of members who helped us get FT8 going. Roughly 2500 points. Thanks to Henry for getting the badges finalized. Let John know if you find a good web site that we could link with ours.

Director at Large: George WA2VNV

Enjoyed Zooming into the Shack during FD.

Old Business

Badges – Henry discussed why logo sie was chosen for the badges. This allows variations in the text used. Potential July lunch will have a date selected at the next Board meeting.

New Business- none


Robert Molleda, the Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the Miami office of the National Weather Service discussed Hurricane forecasting and storm risks.


Motion to adjourn by Ralph W1DAR, second by Phil K4PMD.  Meeting adjourned at 9:17 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary