Date: Wednesday May 11, 2022 Location: via Zoom
Directors and Officers present: Bruce KO4XL, Ralph W1DAR, John C N1QFH, George WA2VNV, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, Jay S N2ELG, Lou K4LA
Members present: Walt W4WCD, Henry WA2ROA, Guest Artie, Art WA8VSJ
President Bruce KO4XL called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm local.
Officer and Director Reports
President’s Report, Bruce – No report since he’s just back.
Jay S – 60 ft HDMI cable has been run between the CCTV recorder and the monitor in the VHF room. The router has been programmed. Need toggle bolts or mollies to install the monitors.
VP Report, Ralph – October 4 meeting is scheduled on Yom Kippur. After discussion the meeting has been shifted to October 11. The June speaker is David Borenstein on Ham Radio Remote Operation.
Secretary’s Report, Mike – Motion to accept Minutes for Board meeting on 04/27/2022 made by John C, seconded by Jay S. The motion carried. Current membership is 167, 127 Active, 29 Family, 5 Associate, and 6 Life.
Treasurer’s Report, Bonnie – Cash received is 33.81 from memberships. Expenses pending are $183.52. This is the quarterly electric bill for $163.53 and $19.99 for 1 year Google storage.
Lou – A/C update a second company has reponded asking for more information.
George – Back in NY. Jan may be willing to head up the satellite project. ASTRON power supply issue may be related to pass transistors.
John C – Gold Coast is having a dinner on May 14. Echolink transmit audio is very low over the air. Bruce will look at it.
Jeff S – not present
Old Business Radiator Grille
Henry and Artie are planning to pick up food on Friday afternoon pending a decision on the weather. The current forcast is iffy. We’ll have a quick meeting with Henry, John C, Mike, and Bruce 7 pm on Thursday to make the go/no go decision. John H is making chili either way. John will send out email telling members to keep an eye out for the final decision.
New Business
Members want to get together in person. Perhaps a lunch on a weekend. Henry volunteered to scout out a few locations. Suggestions were Oceans One, IHOP on 441, and Sophia’s Pizza. Time suggested was 1 pm.
Miscellaneous Discussion
Walt – Park Director and others from the Parks department want to attend.
Next BOD meeting 5/28/2022/ at 10 am.
Motion to adjourn by John C second by Jay S. Meeting adjourned at 7:17 pm local.
Respectfully submitted
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary