Date: Wednesday August 18 2021 Location: via Zoom
Directors and Officers Present: Bruce KO4XL, Jay S. N2ELG, Bonnie KC2JVS, Mike G K8BQ, Lou K4LA, John C N1QFH, Jeff K4BH, Jerry Z W4BFL , George WA2VNV
Members present: Walt W4WCD, Myles N2EHD, Henry WA2ROA
Bruce called the meeting to order at 6:56 PM local.
The following Agenda was presented:
- Officer Reports
- President
- Officer and Directors Insurance
- VP
- Keys
- Speakers
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- President
- Committee Reports
- Welcome Committee
- EC & BOD are greeters at General Meeting
- Designated Greeter when Shack is open
- CReation of Membership Chair and Committee
- Nets
- YL Project
- Welcome Committee
- Old Business
- Crushed Rock for Path – need more
- BRARA Member Privacy Policy
- BRARA Conflict of Interest Policy
- Shack reopening
- AED – have vendor contact – Bruce will call
Officer and Directors Update
President’s Report
Bruce reported that Bonnie had sent him the application for the O&D insurance to be signed and forwarded to our insurance agent for a quote. Bonnie says one number needs to be added.
VP Report
Ralph wasn’t present.
Treasurer’s Report
Bonnie provided a financial report. It was decided to stick with PNC at least until next year since we have straightened out the change in officers. Need to update Sunbiz because has K8BQ’s address wrong. It was decided to hold off on this until our normal renewal since we would be charged a fee for this change.
Secretary’s Report
Mike noted that the minutes for the July 31 Board meeting had been uploaded to the web site. A motion to accept the July 31 minutes was made by John, second by Jeff S and was carried. Mike also presented the current membership report.
Committee Reports
Welcome Committee
John reported that the Welcoming Committee was an ad hoc committee to get feedback on how the club was doing in making members feel appreciated. It has had several meetings to see how we could make members feel a valued part of BRARA. Welcome committee is made up of Bruce, Jay, John C, Bonnie, and Henry. One suggestion is to acknowledge people when they arrive at meetings when we are back to in person meetings. Another is to highlight individuals. Also suggested creating a membership committee to take over the membership portion of the Secretary’s responsibility.
John made a motion that we establish a Membership Committee. seconded by Jay. Motion amended by Bruce that the function of this committee is to onboard new members and to define, execute, and propose to the Board actions that will make BRARA more welcoming. John and Jay accepted the amendment. Jeff S called the question. The motion carried.
John next made a motion the Henry be the first chairman of the Membership Committee. Henry accepted the nomination. Lou seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Jay asked if he would be a member of the Board. Bruce said that it was not necessary because the Board is allowed to establish committees to carry out the club’s business.
Mike and John will work with Henry to familiarize him with our procedures.
Bruce said the policy at general meetings the Chair will make sure that some of the Board members are at the door to welcome everybody who is showing up, talking with new people. On Wednesday’s and Saturdays at the Shack we need to have a designated greeter present. Maybe have their name on the whiteboard by the door.
Jay – the Sunday DMR net had an excellent turnout and ran a full hour last Sunday. Henry suggested that we start a bit earlier to allow for discussion. Jay pointed out that we start at 7:45 with early check ins. There is time then for casual chat.
John reported that the NBEMS net is going ok. Participants send one message and one picture with troubleshooting support after the net.
Bruce reported that he needs to the recreate configuration of the computer.
YL Project
Bonnie reported not much progress to date. We’ve been out of town. She connected with YLRL and got something in their newsletter. Welcoming committee also had suggestions that may be relevant. Might look at a YL committee.
Old Business
Crushed Rock for Path
Walt informed the Board that the County is looking to grade the area by the Shack so we should hold off adding more rock at this time.
BRARA Member Privacy Policy
Lou sent out a draft of a privacy policy before the meeting. He provided a high level overview. The Board members should provide him with feedback, technical or otherwise before the end of month Board meeting. We’d like to finalize this at that time.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Lou also sent out a draft of a conflict of interest policy. It is needed to help protect BRARA’s status as a non-profit organization. The Board members should provide him with feedback, technical or otherwise before the end of month Board meeting. We’d like to finalize this at that time.
Jerry gave Bruce contact information from the AED vendor.
Shack Reopening
The situation is somewhat fluid. The County declared a State of Emergency but nothing was declared that impacted us. We need to be responsive if the County comes to us.
New Business:
WPFORM is a form designer that John needs to use. We have a free version, but the full version has many more features. The cost is $100. Among other things it allows us to create polls. Bruce pointed out $100 doesn’t require a Board vote. Lets
Jeff S pointed out that we need to account for supply costs for the AED and make sure we get the required supplies.
John asked what the status of the refrigerator repair was. Bruce said he has given up on Magnum and has somebody else he has used in the past.
Motion by Jeff S, second by Lou to adjourn. Carried, adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary