Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 31-July-2021

Date: Saturday July-31-2021   Location: via Zoom   

Directors and Officers Present:  Bruce KO4XL,  Jay S. N2ELG,  Bonnie KC2JVS, Mike G K8BQ,  Lou K4LA,  John C N1QFH, Jeff K4BH, Jerry Z W4BFL  ,George WA2VNV

Members present: Walt W4WCD,  Art WA8VSJ, Henry WA2ROA

Bruce called the meeting to order at 10:05 AM local.

The following Agenda was presented:

  1. Officer Reports
    1. VP
      1. Keys
      2. Speakers
    2. Treasurer
    3. Secretary
  2. Committee Reports
    1. Welcome Committee
    2. Nets – schedule changes
  3. Old Business
    1. Crushed Rock for Path
    2. BRARA Member Privacy Policy
    3. BRARA Conflict of Interest Policy
    4. Shack reopening
    5. AED
    6. September meetings

Officer and Directors Update

VP Report

Ralph wasn’t present.

Treasurer’s Report

Bonnie provided a a financial report.  It might be missing a PayPal payment.  She will be continuing to look at switching banks.

Secretary’s Report

Mike noted that the minutes for the July 14 Board meeting had been uploaded to the web site.  A motion to accept the July 17 minutes was made by Lou, second by Jeff S and was carried. Mike also presented the current membership report.

Committee Reports

Welcome Committee

Welcome committee is made up of Bruce, Jay, John C, Bonnie, Mike, and Henry.  Tasks have been assigned. The next meeting will be on 8/16 when task progress will be reviewed.  It as planned that the Welcome Committee will transition to a Membership Committee.


John reported that the NBEMS net has been moved to Mondays at 7:30 PM due to other commitments. Tech support will be available after the net closes. It is anticipated each check in will get to send one digital and one SSTV message.  The Brainwaves Net will remain at its current time as there is little overlap between participants.  The BRARA Voice Com Net will need to wrap up in time for the NBEMS net. Jay reported that he received a mixed response on moving the DMR Tech Net from 8 PM to 7 PM.

Old Business

Crushed Rock for Path

John C has a quote for 1 cubic yard of crushed rock to reduce mud on the path. The cost would be $240 to the club.  The Board said to go ahead and purchase it.

BRARA Member Privacy Policy

Lou checked out the ARRL, ARRL Section policies, and other clubs. Most clubs use the ARRL policy which is 5 paragraphs. Web sites have expanded policies. Lou thinks he could have a rough draft of a policy for the next Board meeting. No specific law requires it in Florida.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Lou reported no additional progress on this

Shack Reopening Phase 2

The County has changed policy. Starting 8/2 they will require a mask in all County facilities. John recommends that we open the Shack. Jeff pointed out that we already have policies for mask wearing and sanitization. We aren’t County owned or leased though we tend to expect to act like a County building. John made a motion to “Open the Shack with provisions drafted by Bruce and agreed to by the Board by email” second by George. The motion carried.

Other Business:

Jay suggested an event to celebrate the Shack reopening. Bruce doesn’t believe it is a good time to have a party if if we are open.

Jay suggested that we have a donation jar for members who take one of the old radios that we are trying to distribute.

John C posted a message from Elaine Siegel on the web site. She is looking to give away Mike’s equipment and tools and needs help taking down the tower and antennas.

George made a motion that the Board authorize an expenditure of up to $1000 to purchase an AED for the Shack. Second by John C.  Jeff S can help track a supplier down. Jerry Z previously gave information to the club about the County’s supplier. George amended the motion to increase the cost to $1200. George called the question. The motion carried.

Jeff had an email from Hannah Nader with the Coral Springs Charter School to discuss starting a STEM club that would include amateur radio. Will need people to help with the ham radio part of the STEM club. Bruce offered to assist as training is one of his responsibilities.

John C asked when will BRARA have some training. Also we need to note who is responsible for actions in the minutes.

September General Meeting – There is a conflict between the September General Meeting and Rosh Hashanah. Jeff S also has a conflict on the second Wednesday with Board meetings.  Motion to move September General meeting to 9/14 by John C second by Lou, carried.  It was agreed to move the midmonth Board meeting from the second Wednesday to the third.  Will skip the September 15 Board meeting due to conflict with Yom Kippur. August Board meetings will be 8/18 and 8/28. Next Board meeting after that will be 9/25.

Motion by Jeff S second by Lou to adjourn. Carried, adjourned at 11:22 AM.

Respectfully submitted

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary