Date: Saturday 2-January 2021 Location: via Zoom Start Time: 10:18 am
Attendance: Bruce KO4XL, George WA2VNV, Jay.S N2ELG, Bonnie KC2JVS, Michael.G K8BQ, Jeff.S K4BH, Lou K4LA, Ralph W1DAR, John N1QFH, Jerry Z. W4BFL
The following items were discussed and actions assigned:
The meeting opened with Bruce serving as Chair
This was a virtual meeting using Zoom. Directors elected the club officers. Bruce reviewed logistics for new board.
John N1QFH presented a motion that Bruce KO4XL be elected President, Ralph W1DAR be elected Vice President, Bonnie KC2JVS be elected Treasurer, and Mike K8BQ be elected Secretary. Second by Lou K4LA. Jay N2ELG called the question. Motion carried.
Bruce and John updated BOD on status.
ACTION: John.C and Bruce will finalize and purchase plaques.
ACTION: Bruce will continue with certificate, ARRL brick, ARRL on hold
ACTION: John.C will collect silent key details and pictures
Bruce updated board on status and activity.
ACTION: Bruce will continue to manage
The Shack remains closed. Board regularly reviews the COVID status. John suggested that the proposed access policy be revised to include proof of vaccination. This was held for future discussion
ACTION: John.C will examine filter about December 2020
ACTION: Bruce will pursue HEPA filter when shack opens
ACTION: John.C will rotate antennas, oil cable, spray the weeds.
John updated all on Winter Field Day plans.
ACTION: Bruce will manage intra-club challenge.
ACTION: John will continue 2021 WFD communication plans with a special email in January
ACTION: Board will need to find someone besides John to take the lead on both FD and WFD going foward
Board reviewed status of payment and renewal activity.
ACTION: Bruce to create secondary logon for PayPal
ACTION: Bruce connected to select member on renewal and FD results. Successful and member renewed.
DMR MICROWAVE PROJECT – No current activity
Board reviewed status and current plans.
ACTION: Art, Lew, and Jerry will relocate dish
ACTION: Jerry will address FAU and repeater IP to shack
ACTION: Bruce will check with Jerry on alternate plans
REMOTE STATION – No current activity
Reviewed status – no change, is dependent on solid IP service to the shack.
REPEATER STATUS – No current activity
BOD discussed possibility of packet/winlink node, plans, objectives.
ACTION: Bruce and Lew will update DMR repeater details
ACTION: Art and Lew will continue site repairs as needed
ACTION: Bruce, Robert.E W1ENG, John to configure packet/winlink
Board discussed fan dipole relocation and options.
ACTION: Relocate fan dipole antenna that may block the satellite system
ACTION: Bruce will send letter when full services restored
AED UPDATE – No current activity
Discussed next steps and status.
ACTION: Bruce will continue linkage with Life Safety Solutions for AED.
BADGES – No current activity
ACTION: Bruce will pursue alternate badge suppliers
(check with
Dates for the next set of training and testing to be discussed at the mid January BOD meeting
ACTION: Jay, Jeff.R, Roger, and Al to define DMR curriculum – On hold
ACTION: Bruce will define logistics for future classes
Discussed transition plans to new board, handling keys, and banking. New board needs to discuss role backups.
ACTION: Mike will take over from John sending targeted 2021 renewal reminders
ACTION: Jeff.S and Bruce will update flyer.
ACTION: Bonnie and Mike have the mailbox key. John will send Ralph his key. Mike and Bonnie will need Shack and Gate keys
ACTION: Need to check legacy key inventory.
ACTION: Bonnie requested an audit committee to review accounts. Lou and Ralph volunteered
ACTION: John asked about Officer’s and Director’s insurance. To be discussed next BOD meeting.
ACTION: Board will continue member good and welfare checks
Discussed when to do next Zoom auction and request for items for auction.
ACTION: Jay will continue reviving laptops and desktops
ACTION: Bruce to get 1/2 terabyte drive to Jay to install in desktop
ACTION: John reported Icom equipment donated from early 80’s appears to work
Reviewed relocating various antennas for satellite project.
ACTION: Jerry to re-key storage room locks and distribute – On hold
ACTION: Board to coordinate re-keying and station training – On hold
ACTION: John.C to install di-pole lightening protectors
ACTION: Board will change shack door combination – On hold
New board needs to review all sponsored and proposed projects. Reviewed matrix cross-connect switch and training.
- Satellite System
- Repair Ameritron HF Amplifier
- Acquire AED for The Shack
- IP FAU-to-Shack
- Relocate FAU dish at repeater site
- Cross connect matrix switch
We have a few others lined up for 2021. New VP will need to identify presenters. Bruce had suggestions on presenters. John suggested we get future speakers well ahead.
January: Matthew KO4DJG on micro-processors
February: John KE4IDW OCT Field Operation (need to confirm)
ACTION: John.C will schedule Feb 2021 for 1-1 WordPress training
ACTION: Bruce will continue addressing refrigerator repair
Next BOD Zoom meetings:
- BOD meeting dates:
- 13-January-2021 6 pm mid-month planning meeting
- 30-January-2021 10 am pre general meeting planning
- BOD meeting dates:
Adjourn: Motion by Jay and second by John adjourn at 11:28 am and Zoom ended
Respectfully submitted
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary