Save the date 30 and 31 January 2021
2021 Winter Field Day
Please watch for updates as we get closer to 2021 WFD.
For 2021 Winter Field Day, we are following the same operating plans as we did for 2020 Field Day:
- Operate from home or field location(s) of their choice
Given The Shack is still closed, this gives operators another opportunity (we’re keeping this positive given COVID-19) to field test their capabilities in the event of a bad day or need to shake down their remote setup.
The nice part about operating outside is the weather – it’ll be a lot COOLER and please note we’re ordering a weekend of all sunshine.
CLICK for 2021 WFD website
CLICK for 2021 WFD Rules

2021 WFD QSO’s for scoring may be conducted for the following
VHF ANALOG 146.550 Mhz
UHF DMR 441.000 Mhz TS-1 TG-99
When: Saturday and Sunday – top of each hour
Modes: Phone and digital (FLDigi, DMR, CW, etc)
The following is partial summarized list of the WFD rules, please read the rules from above link.
Covid 19 Pandemic scoring changes for Clubs/Groups:
These changes apply ONLY to groups who, due to the Pandemic, won’t/can’t be congregating to compete this year. If your group wishes, you may have a “group/club” score tallied by having individual members fill in the “CLUB:” line in their Cabrillo log file. Individual members would send in a log under their own callsign (operating under their own privileges) with the name or callsign of the group noted on the “CLUB:” line. If a simple callsign is used in the “club” line, it cannot be one used in the contest or on another member’s entry log (it’ll confuse the scoring software). If your group uses a club name, be sure to advise everyone in your group to use the exact same unique name. Choose wisely Grasshopper! There are dozens of clubs with the same abbreviation (as in LARC, PARC, etc), but it’s unlikely there’s more than one Livonia ARC, or Lincoln ARC. Club scores will be the aggregate of the individual members’ scores, regardless of how they operated ad will be posted as distinct “Club/Group” scores once tallied. Your individual members’ logs and scores will be tallied and posted as well (each under their own call), the same as any other entrant. It might be a good idea to have someone in your club/group collect members’ logs and check them to ensure the logs are correct before sending them in. It’ll save us time and you aggravation. “Club/Group” scores will likely be the last to be posted as we can’t be sure all the individual logs are in until the actual log deadline.
From 2021 WFD website read the rules and submit as directed
Q: How does my club submit an aggregate club score? Does the club need to add up each participating member’s scores and submit a club entry with the aggregate score under the club call sign?
A: Each participant will submit his or her own independent entry under his or her call sign. 2021 WFD will calculate the aggregate score based upon the club name entered on the official Field Day entry form via the web applet (preferred method) or on the paper Field Day entry form. In order for results to be tabulated correctly, all club participants must enter the club’s official name exactly the same (see below), avoiding abbreviations or acronyms. This is important!
Boca Raton Amateur Radio Association
Saturday 1900 UTC (2pm EST) to Sunday 1900 UTC (2pm EST)
All Amateur bands, HF, VHF, & UHF except 12, 17, 30 and 60 meters
CW, SSB, AM, FM, DStar, C4FM, DMR,
Packet, PSK, SSTV, RTTY, Olivia, Satellite, JS8Call
Suggested Frequencies:
1810-1820, 3.530-3.550, 7.030-7.050
14.035-14.055, 21.030-21.050, 28.030-28.040
6m/VHF/UHF – adjacent to national simplex channels
Entry categories:
Indoor: Operation from inside a remote, insulated, heated structure
Outdoor: Operation from a location partly or fully exposed to the elements
Home: Operation from inside a home or inside another structure attached to a home
Entry Class:
Number capable of simultaneous transmission
Combination of your “class” and “category” and ARRL/RAC section
BRARA example from HOME is “1H SFL”
QSO Points:
1 point per Phone QSO
2 points per CW & Digital QSO
Mode and Band Multipliers:
Count 1 multiplier for each mode operated per band.
Power Output Multipliers:
>100W = 1x
100W or less = 2x
QRP = 4x
Bonus points:
1500 points if no commercial used power in powering station
1500 points if operation is “Outdoors”
1500 points if operation is not a “Home” operation
1500 points for QSO via Satellite
Claimed Score Tabulation:
QSO Points x Power Output Multiplier x Band/mode multiplier + Bonus Points
Log submission DEADLINE:
Logs must be submitted to via email before 0000 UTC March 1st to be considered.
Please be sure to read the full rules procedure
Emailed Logs contains:
Subject line “WFD 20XX Log XXXXX” with XXXXX your callsign
Logs MUST be submitted as an attached Cabrillo File, not as an email text.
Email question about WFD and please put “WFD Questions” in the subject line
QUESTIONS: Please email John.C N1QFH
THANK YOU for being part of our team and participating in 2021 WFD!