Posted in: Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 11-NOV-2020

Date: Saturday 11-November 2020   Location: via Zoom   Start Time: 6.05 pm

Attendance:  Bruce KO4XL, Jerry.Z W4BFL, Jeff.S K4BH, Bonnie KC2JSV, Michael.G K8BQ, John N1QFH

Jeff.R W4AEQ and George WA2VNV said they will not be able to make the meeting.

The following items were discussed and actions assigned:


This was a virtual meeting using Zoom.


The board discussed how to gather pictures of SK’s and acquiring plaques.

ACTION: John.C will send to Bruce Lifetime letter and certificate.

ACTION: Bruce will edit Lifetime letter and certificate.

ACTION: John.C will connect with Walt and Lew on SK pictures.

ACTION: John.C and Bruce will finalize plaques.

ACTION: Bruce will continue with ARRL brick research and costs

ACTION: John.C will collect silent key details and pictures


Bruce updated board on status,  activity, and Mike.P

ACTION: Bruce will continue to manage


The Shack remains closed. Board regularly reviews the COVID status. John.C sprayed weeds, oiled the tower cable, and sent pictures of AC filter to Bruce. John advise board the tower power was out. The GFI has to be reset. Board discussed that outside electrical needs to be done. PBC has not picked up garbage outside gate fence.

ACTION: John.C will replace filter about December 2020

ACTION: Bruce will pursue getting a HEPA  / MERV-13 filter

ACTION: John.C will rotate antennas weekly and periodically oil cable and drum.

ACTION: John.C will continue to spray the weeds.


Winter Field Day event will occur just like the this past June Field Day. Individual stations will operation from a station of their choosing are encouraged to submit results affiliated with BRARA. More details on the event will be announced. Per Jeff.S, JS8CALL may be used in WFD. Board discussed JS8CALL interface to N1MM

ACTION: Bruce will present inter-club awards.

ACTION: John will setup communication plans to members


Board reviewed status of PayPal  payments and Bruce made PayPal funds transfer. Bruce edited the letter and sent to John for review. John did some follow-up on MailChimp recipients given not all subscribers opening or reading our updates. Board discussed how to reach members for elections.  John set officers to and his test worked.

ACTION: John.C will extract members for elections and provide to Bruce.

ACTION: John.C will continue to resolve MailChimp issues for subscribers.

ACTION: Bruce and John.C will review how to incorporate CALLSIGN into PayPal

ACTION: Bruce to create secondary logon

ACTION: Bruce to generate PayPal report for Patrick


Jerry updated board on status and his plans for FAU setup work.

ACTION: Art, Lew, and Jerry will relocate dish on 2m or 70cm antenna

ACTION: Jerry to determine when the dish relocation can occur and advise Art, George and Lew

ACTION: Jerry will address FAU and repeater IP work


Reviewed status which had no change.


John updated board on packet repeater recovery plans. Need to get packet station cabinet key from Lew.

ACTION: Bruce to connect with Lew to update our DMR repeater details on database

ACTION: John will manage Boca Hospital repeater recovery

ACTION: Art and Lew to continue site repairs


Bruce updated board on rotors no maintenance needed. Board discussed fan diploes re-location and options.

ACTION: Satellite team look into refurbishing rotors

ACTION: Relocate fan-dipole antenna that may block the satellite system


ACTION: Bruce will send letter when full services restored


Board reviewed status and PBC letter.

ACTION: Bruce will continue linkage with Life Safety Solutions for AED.

ACTION: John will forward Walt’s email from PBC Park to


Bruce said Patrick has no outstanding badges to process and a few are at the shack for delivery to the members.

ACTION: Bruce will pursue alternate badge suppliers

(check with

ACTION: Patrick will check his record for those who paid for badges and shirts


John and Jeff got flyers on BRARA and GCARA site. Jeff.S updated board that about 40 people are enrolled for the virtual Tech Class and ARRL testing. Jeff and Bruce discussed remote testing. Jerry asked about Patch Reef Park being open. Bruce said he will check with the park on status since he has the authority. Bruce share that opening plans may enable BRARA may be able to hold classes and test.

ACTION: Bruce will connect with Patch Reef Park on opening and use.

ACTION: Bruce will research how to do remote testing with Grant

ACTION: Jay, Jeff.R, Roger, Al to define DMR curriculum

ACTION: Bruce will define logistics for  licensing classes


John updated board on WordPress and Legacy being encapsulated in WordPress. John made PDF member forms input capable. Board will work to make welfare calls status. Bruce reviewed his plans on board elections.  John updated board on the renewal reminders and communications. 2021 grace period is 1-JAN-2021 to 31-March-2021.

ACTION: John will store on Google Drive welfare call status for BOD to access

ACTION: John will continue to send 2021 renewal reminders

ACTION: Bruce will update members on voting and elections plans

ACTION: John.C will connect with Jeff.R on flyer status.

ACTION: John.C and Michael K8BQ will continue knowledge exchange

ACTION: Patrick and Bonnie to continue knowledge exchange

ACTION: Board will continue member good and welfare checks

ACTION: Bruce will send to John.C list of member privilege

ACTION: Board will send list of BRARA accomplishments to Bruce

ACTION: Bruce will review minutes and feedback for list of accomplishments


John mailed Zoom Auction funds to Patrick for deposit. A few membership renewal checks have been processed and await deposit. We had great comments on Zoom Auction and experts spoke to the types of equipment.

ACTION: John will reorg space at shack given freed-up space

ACTION: Jay will continue reviving laptops and desktops

ACTION: Bruce to get drive and rail kit for Jay to install in desktop

ACTION: Jay and John.C to access CPU and displays to KEEP


Board discussed doing ad hoc Zoom meetings to fill in place of Wednesdays and Saturdays.

ACTION: Jerry to re-key storage room locks and distribute

ACTION: Jeff.R and Bruce to coordinate training and re-keying shack and gate

ACTION: John.C to install di-pole lightening protectors

ACTION: Jeff.R will change shack door combination


  • Satellite System
  • Repair Ameritron HF Amplifier
  • Acquire AED for The Shack
  • IP FAU-to-Shack
  • Relocate FAU dish at repeater site


We have a few others lined up for 2021.

December: Norm Fusaro, W3IZ ARRL Director of Operations on “ARRL Direction”

January: Matthew KO4DJG on micro-processors used to connect radios and other devices


John discussed the value of the Newsletter and Weekly Updates. John would like every board member to be trained in WordPress to post to our BLOG,

ACTION: John.C will merge Newsletter with Weekly Updates

ACTION: John.C will schedule Feb 2021 for 1-1 training for board on how to use WordPress

ACTION: Bruce will continue addressing refrigerator repair

Next Board Zoom meetings:

    • Agenda: Saturday 12.00 pm   28-November-2020
    • Mid-month: Wednesday 6.00 pm  9-December-2020

Adjourn: Motion by John.C and 2nd by Jeff.S adjourn at 6.55 pm and zoom ended

Respectfully submitted

John Cole N1QFH / Secretary