Posted in: QSL Report

QSL Report: November 2018

Big news this month:
WAZ (Worked All Zones) CW has been Achieved!!

The final zone, Zone 18, was worked on 20m CW when we worked RI0B, a DXpedition to IOTA AS-121, an island in Arctic Ocean north of central Siberia.

New DXCC this month:
Tristan da Cunha & Gough Islands (15m; Digital; 17m); Solomon Islands (17m; Challenge)

New WAS this month:
GA 40m Digital; TN 40m Digital

New VUCC this month:

New WAZ this month:
WAZ CW!! Z05: 40M (Digital); Z18: 20M (CW); 5-Band; Z38: 15M (RTTY), 17m (CW)

178 (+0) QSLs have been received from our 2012 Field Day activity
192 (+0) QSLs have been received from our 2013 Field Day activity
266 (+0) QSLs have been received from our 2014 Field Day activity
296 (+0) QSLs have been received from our 2015 Field Day activity
168 (+0) QSLs have been received from our 2016 Field Day activity
269 (+0) QSLs have been received from our 2017 Field Day activity
424 (+10) QSLs have been received from our 2018 Field Day activity

CLICK for Award Accounts Status as of October-2018