Our family and community are devastated by the sudden and unexpected loss of Jackson Trey Quarquesso who passed away on September 1, 2020. He was a beloved son and a loving brother, and lived his life in service of others.
In lieu of flowers or other heartfelt gestures, we are asking anyone that feels called to give to contribute towards these unexpected end of life expenses. This fund will be used primarily for Jackson’s end of life intensive care administered by the caring and capable hands at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. At this moment, we have no idea what these costs will look like. Any funds raised in excess of what is needed will be given to causes that were of importance to Jackson.
Please consider assisting Jackson’s loved ones through this difficult time as they navigate this tragedy.
Jackson was an active member of:
New Presbyterian Church
Boy Scout Troop 315
Sea Scout Ship 339
Boca Raton High School NJROTC
Boca Raton Amateur Radio Association, callsign KM4MFZ(sk)
Jackson’s life goal was to earn his degree in Mechanical Engineering from Florida Atlantic University, and transfer to the Coast Guard Officer Candidate School to become a helicopter pilot. Jackson more than anything wanted to save lives, and rescue people in need.
Donations will go directly to his mother and father, John and Carol Sue.
Here is what we currently know about Jackson’s expenses. We will update as we know more over the coming days and weeks.
– Health care deductible – $6000
– 5 days of ICU care – $ ???
– COBRA premiums – $3000
Thank you for your love, your prayers, and your emotional support during this heartbreaking time.
Link to Jackson’s GoFundMe to be shared: Jackson Quarquesso’s Memorial Fund
Dear friends,
Jackson Trey Quarquesso’s Memorial Service will be held on Thursday, September 10th, 2020 at 10:00 am. With an expected large attendance, and due to seating capacity issues at his home church during COVID-19, the service will be held at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale. CLICK HERE FOR DIRECTIONS
Let the greatest among you be as the least. Let the leader be as the one who cares for others. Luke 22:26
With Love,
The Quarquesso Family