Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 8-January-2025

Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2025   Location: Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL, Jay S N2ELG, Mike K8BQ, Barry KO4FBU Ralph W1DAR, Lou K4LA

President Ralph W1DAR called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm local.

Director at Large: Bruce KO4XL

The BRARA website was briefly down when our domain name registration expired. Bruce arranged to renew the domain registration. Our web hosting is being managed by Jerry Zaza’s son Anthony. He is providing server space and a block of reserved IP addresses. He estimates it is costing him around $60 a month to provide and $15 annually for the registration. Bruce feels this is a low-end cost. The issue of rebuilding the web site is not related to this. Barry suggested that we pay him in advance on a quarterly basis while we research other alternatives. Jay S made a motion to approve paying Anthony Zaza $375.00 in two quarterly payments to maintain the server for BRARA. Motion was seconded by Barry and carried. We have a second domain name that we can use to build a new site and ultimately transfer to.

Bruce has figured out how to control the DMR repeater using via a hotspot.

Director at Large: Lou K4LA

Lou performed a safety inspection inside of the Shack. It was good except that we should have a fire blanket. He suggested hanging it on a hook next to the AED.

Director at Large: Barry KO4FBU

Shack maintenance.  Ran the tower up and tightened up the spring. Lubricated the cale. General tower maintenance. Moved the OCF antenna position. 20 and 40 meters are ok without a tuner. We need the part number of the MFJ high power tuner so the counter can be set properly per its manual. Rick helped with a cabinet by the fridge to hold the coffee pot and microwave. We need to get somebody with a self-contained pressure cleaner to clean the ramps and clean the sides of the building with low pressure. The shed is leaking badly on the north side from front to back. Perhaps we should have an off the record conversation with Kirk about the County’s plans for it.

Tech crew got the 7610 to display on a big monitor

Robert W1ENG fixed GFI circuits on the east side of the building

We should look at offsetting the 7610 cost by selling the 7600 that it replaced and to sell the 1000MP that nobody uses. Possibly ask 750 – 800 for current club members on the 7600 and 750 – 800 for the 1000 MP. Later list for more money online. We also have an amp that has not been used that we could sell. Estimate club price of 2/3 current online. No insider advantage. Put it on and first come gets it. Barry will write up a memo for review.

George WA2VNV asked if the switch matrix has been sold. It hasn’t yet. We thought we had a buyer but it fell through.

Need to clean up the Shack before the Radiator Grille. Need to clean up weeds outdoors too. Mike will bring in wet cleaner.

Fred gets the money for the radio. A/C guy paid. Barry needs to be paid for the antenna.

Secretary: Mike K8BQ

No report

Treasurer’s Report: Bonnie KC2JVS

Not present

Vice President: Henry WA2ROA

Not present

Motion to adjourn by Bruce, seconded by Jay S. Meeting adjourned at 6:47 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary