BRARA General Membership Meeting minutes for 7 January 2025
The BRARA monthly association meeting was held in person and using Zoom conference. There were 18 attending via Zoom. The meeting was called to order by BRARA President Ralph Mele W1DAR at 6:31 pm local, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Tonight’s speaker is Harold Gretzky K4KZM who will discuss his experience permitting and getting HOA approval for his amateur antenna system.
Board members and officers present: Mike K8BQ, Bruce KO4XL, Jay S N2ELG, Lou K4LA
Rick K1DS
The VHF/UHF Contest is coming up this month the 18th through 20th. You’re welcome to come and operate, but if you can’t, please work N4BRF using FM simplex. Most members have 2 meter/440 MHz HT that can be used.
Director at Large Bruce: KO4XL
We have an upcoming Technician class and VE session coming up January 11th and 12th. Jeff has a minimum number of VEs lined up. If you are an ARRL VE you are welcome to participate in the exam session.
Secretary: Mike K8BQ
Mike has posted the November General Meeting minutes to the BRARA Blog. Bill WA2NCH made a motion to accept the minutes. Jeff K4BH, seconded the motion to accept the minutes. The motion carried.
Treasurer: Bonnie KC2JVS – not present
Director at Large: Jay S N2ELG
Still accepting items for the auction. Looks like it will be in the spring.
Web Site:
The web site was down briefly because of an expired domain name. We also need to look at potential alternative host servers.
Motion to adjourn by Jay S N2ELG, seconded by Carol KJ4AWB. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm.
Speaker: Harold Gretzky K4KZM
Harold showed a PowerPoint presentation showing how he obtained a Palm Beach County permit for installing his antenna and ground system as well as describing how he worked with his HOA.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary