Posted in: General Meeting Minutes, Minutes

General Membership Meeting July 2024

BRARA General Membership Meeting minutes for 2-July-2024

The BRARA monthly association meeting was held at the Boca West library and by Zoom conference.  There were 18 people at the library and 23 on Zoom. The meeting was called to order by the President Ralph Mele W1DAR at 6:31 pm local. Tonight’s speaker is Frank Haas, KB4T from FPL with a presentation about tracking down interference and working with the electric company. We’re planning on an abbreviated business meeting to make more time for Frank’s presentation.

Directors and Officers Present

Ralph W1DAR, Bruce KO4XL, Bonnie KC2JVS, Henry WA2ROA, Jay S N2ELG

Secretary: Mike K8BQ

Mike has posted the June minutes to the BRARA Blog. Ralph requested a motion to accept the minutes. The motion was made by Bruce KO4XL, seconded by Jan KK3W. Motion carried.

Treasurer: Bonnie KC2JVS

Treasurer’s Report June 30, 2024

December 31, 2023 Available Balance $12,927.58
May 31, 2024 Available Balance $14,683.88
June 30, 2024 Available Balance $13,736.21

Income: $130.74
Income includes $110.74 in memberships and $20.00 in donations
Not included $100 in donations not cleared by bank

Expenses: $1,078.41
Expenses include: $798.33 for SteppIR antenna parts, $79 for WordPress subscription, and other
miscellaneous antenna repair expenses
Not included: an estimated $1500 more for Radiator Grille expenses not paid, quarterly electric bill,
other antenna repair expenses, etc.

Above amounts include reserve funds of $5,000.
Balance available for operating capital after deposits and expenses clear: $7,236.21

President’s Report: Ralph W1DAR

A group of members tend to get together at the Ichiyami buffet in Boca Raton the fourth Thursday of the month. Since there is no BRARA lunch this month they just let everyone know about it. The repaired tower section will be delivered to the Shack on Wednesday. The repeaters were down on Saturday. It could have been a power outage at the site. We need to clean out the yard at the Shack. If you have a weed whacker, please bring it to the Shack on Wednesday or Saturday this week.

Director at Large: Jay S N2ELG

We’re still taking donations of ham related electronics and computer equipment for the next auction.

Director at Large: Bruce KO4XL

Bruce recommended that we purchase an inexpensive new computer for use at Station 1.

Vice President: Henry WA2ROA

Henry thanked all who have been putting all of the effort into repairing the crank up tower and the damage to the antennas.

Jeff S K4BH

Jeff thanked all those who attended the Gold Coast FD effort.


Motion to adjourn by Bruce KO4XL, seconded by Jay S N2ELG.  Meeting adjourned at 6:42 pm. The meeting was followed after a short break by Frank Haas’ KB4T presentation.

Respectfully submitted,
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary