Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 10-July-2024

Date: Wednesday, July 10,, 2024   Location: Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Ralph W1DAR, Bruce KO4XL, Jay S N2ELG, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, Barry KO4FBU, Henry WA2ROA, Lou K4LA

Members present: Rick K1DS, George WA2NVW

President Ralph W1DAR called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm local.

President’s Report: Ralph W1DAR

The problem with the GFI to the tower tripping seems to be from to the wire in the ground between the building and the tower. The hoist works, but the motor appears a bit weak.

Secretary’s Report: Mike K8BQ

Minutes from the June 12 Board meeting have been posted to the BLOG. Motion to accept by Jay. seconded by Bruce. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Bonnie KC2JVS

Cash Flow July 10, 2024

December 31,2023 Available Balance $12,927.58
June 30, 2024 Available Balance $13,736.21
July 10,2024 Available Balance $13,753.83

Income: $133.81
Income includes $33.81 in memberships and $100.00 in donations

Expenses: $116.19
Expenses include: $62.06 for Pizza, $42.64 for antenna paint and $11.49 for
Not included: Radiator Grille expenses not paid, $255.74 quarterly electric bill, $40.05 for pizza,
$779.61 for storm repair to Barry, $340 for repeater cable, $10.70 for new shack keys,$367.64 for
director’s insurance policy expiring on October 7,2024

Above amounts include reserve funds of $5,000.
Balance available for operating capital after deposits and expenses clear:
$6,960.11 (minus Radiator Grille expense)

Director at Large: Barry KO4FBU

Barry gave an update on the tower progress so far. The upper tower section has been repaired. The tower goes up and down but needs some adjustments. The SteppIR has been painted and the cover to the driven element motor assembly replaced. Looking to install the rotor and mask next Saturday if the weather cooperates. The pieces to repair the 6-meter beam have been obtained.

It had been recommended previously to purchase a discone antenna to go at the top of the mast to provide some degree of static dissipation. Diamond makes a nice one for about $120. Barry made a motion that we purchase one. The motion was seconded by Bruce and carried. So far, we have spent around $1651 on tower and antenna repair.

Now that the immediate work has been completed, some site maintenance was completed. Fred KB4EE cut down the weeds by the fences and behind the Shack. Ralph sprayed some weed killer around. The County was able to mow the area now that we have the SteppIR off the ground so they could mow around it.

Director at Large: Lou K4LA

There has been a snag in trying to make Walt’s version of a BRARA site inactive. There have been some postings on it so Facebook considers it active. They need the spouse to state that she wants it archived. We need a signed letter from either the spouse or the executor of the estate. John Cole’s BRARA site should not have this issue.

Member: Rick K1DS

Rick raised the possibility of increasing the frequency bands available at the Shack into the microwave region. Availability of microwave equipment and the cost has improved. He has some equipment and believes that we can make space in the VHF room for it. The big issue is getting antennas up in the air. It would be nice to have a tilt-over or crankup tower. Would we be interested in erecting another tower since we have one? He has equipment available for 900, 2304, 3400, 5650, 10GHz and 24 GHz. Another possibility is to add a section to the satellite tower or use a longer mast to hold some loop yagis.

Director at Large: Jay S N2ELG

Still looking for the toolbox key. Bruce suggested getting a generic lock at Home Depot. No meeting for the auction until we finish some of our other projects.

Director at Large: Bruce KO4XL

Working on using donated computers and parts that we have to build up three or four machines to either sell or see if a build would be RFI proof to use for station 1.

Vice President: Henry WA2ROA

Do we have an estimate of the cost of the cost of adding microwave capability to the Shack. Rick will bring equipment. We’d need to provide cable. Probably a few hundred dollars.  There have been a number of requests for the video of the FPL speaker can we put a link to the video on the website and in the Saturday blast. Henry and Melanie from Gold Coast had a casual conversion about the graying of our respective memberships. Is there value in joining to two clubs. The Board’s opinion was not at this point in time. We should continue with joint activities on occasion.

Motion to adjourn by Jay S, seconded by Barry. Meeting adjourned at 7:14 pm. Next BOD meeting August 14.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary