Posted in: General Meeting Minutes, Minutes

General Membership Meeting June 2024

BRARA General Membership Meeting minutes for 4-June-2024

The BRARA monthly association meeting was held at the Boca West library and by Zoom conference.  There were 10 people at the library and 10 on Zoom. The meeting was called to order by the President Ralph Mele W1DAR at 6:33 pm local. Tonight’s speaker is Sammy Hadi from the National Weather Service with a presentation about hurricanes.

Directors and Officers Present

Ralph W1DAR, Bruce KO4XL, Bonnie KC2JVS, Henry WA2ROA, Jay S N2ELG, Lou K4LA

Sam Wilfond WS4BSA

Sam provided an update for this year’s Jamboree on the Air (JOTA). All attending who will come into contact with Scouts need to complete Youth Protection Training (YPT) and fill out an adult application. The YPT is online.  If you forward the application through Sam, he will pay for it. There is a $35.00 fee for participating in JOTA which covers food and lodging. There are dorms for the men and cabins for women. Last year there were 278 participants. Sam can be reached at This year’s JOTA is October 20-22.

Secretary: Mike K8BQ

Mike has posted the May minutes to the BRARA Blog. Ralph requested a motion to accept the minutes. The motion was made by Jay N2ELG, seconded by Sam WS4BSA. Motion carried.

Treasurer: Bonnie KC2JVS

Treasurer’s Report May 31, 2024

December 31,2023 Available Balance $12,927.58
April 30, 2024 Available Balance $14,632.99
May 31,2024 Available Balance $14,683.88

Income: $204.05
Income includes $204.05 in memberships

Expenses: $153.16
Expenses include: $153.16 for quarterly electric bill
Not included: $187.78 for new soldering station and charger cables

Above amounts include reserve funds of $5,000.
Balance available for operating capital after deposits and expenses clear: $ 9,496.10

Director at Large: Bruce KO4XL

Bruce reported that the new antenna for the 2-meter repeater has been assembled and is on the roof of the site. We are waiting for new hardline to arrive.

Director at Large: Jay S N2ELG

The next auction committee meeting for the next auction will be after Field Day. You can bring auction donations to the Shack on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Please keep it to ham radio or electronics related items.

Vice President: Henry WA2ROA

  • Station status – Station 1 still having RF issues with the computer. Rick K1DS asked if it will be working on 6-meter FT8 for the VHF contest.
  • Lunches – Only four people signed up for May. It has been decided to skip June through August.
  • Facebook working with Lou on the legal aspects of getting our sites
  • Working with Mike and Bruce to define website requirements

Director at Large: Lou K4LA

Lou spoke with Lois Frankel’s office about progress of the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness bill Senate 3690, House 4006. They said they had received 10 or so letters from BRARA. From a statewide perspective there was not a lot of response. It appears unlikely that it will get out of committee this session.

Round table of member comments

Jeff S, K4BH reminded us that its hurricane season. Keep your batteries charged, supplies ready, volunteer for your local ARES/RACES/CERT. If you’d like an active FD come down to Gold Coast’s operation.

Rick, K1DS the satellite station need to run 4 conductor cale to the antennas to enable polarization switching.

Ray, KB4BBM Ray created a hurricane preparedness website a few years ago with a technical viewpoint,


Motion to adjourn by Jay N2ELG, seconded by Sam KB4BSA.  Meeting adjourned at 6:57 pm. Meeting was followed after a short break by Sammy Hadi’s presentation.

Respectfully submitted,
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary