Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 15-February-2023

Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023   Location: via Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL, George WA2VNV, Jay S N2ELG, John C N1QFH, Lou K4LA, Ralph W1DAR, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS

Members present: Walt W4WCD Henry WA2ROA, Stu K3RB, Art WA8VSJ

President Bruce KO4XL, called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm local.

President’s Report, Bruce – Tonight’s business will mostly involve a review of the responses to the BRARA poll. He has ordered UPS batteries for the 550 VA UPSs donated to the association.

Secretary’s Report, Mike – No minutes yet from 2/1 meeting. Current membership for 2023 is 151

Treasurer’s Report, Bonnie – Bonnie presented the cash flow update.


January 31, 2023 Available Balance $10,258.82
February 16, 2023 Available Balance $9,562.96

Total cash received $126.47
Cash received includes $102.62 in memberships and $23.85 from Amazon Smile
This month’s expenses: $822.33
Expenses paid include $738,27 for chairs for HF room, $84.06 to Battery Sharks for UPS batteries for Shack

Expenses not cleared include $47.05 for gasoline for generator for Winter Field Day and 922.85 for
liability insurance

Lou – presented an introduction to the Poll Project. Henry, Lou, and John C put together the questions and whittled them down to a manageable number. John C formatted the poll, put it on line, and downloaded the responses. Stu formatted the consolidated responses and will present the synopsis. We won’t be creating action plans tonight, just noting items to look at first.

QUESTION-1 What ham radio events and activities would you like BRARA to participate in? Henry suggested looking at what other clubs do. John suggested looking at two or three items from Q1. After some discussion it came down to Hamfest Charter bus, supporting equipment repair and advice at the Shack and providing communications for community events.

QUESTION-2 What social activities (other than breakfasts, lunches, Radiator Grilles) would you like BRARA to sponsor? We need to be more aware of snowbirds when planning activities. Perhaps schedule some non-ham in-person events such as a trip to Kennedy Space center.

QUESTION-3 What events and activities would you help organize? We received a number of volunteers for activities that we will reach out to.

QUESTION-4 Why did you join BRARA? What benefits of Membership do you use? Responses from this will be integrated into the BRARA brochure.

QUESTION-5 Which events and activities do you least enjoy and why? Choice of Zoom vs in-person meetings. We need to find a venue. New members feeling ignored at activities. Projects that keep stretching out.

QUESTION-6 In what areas should BRARA sponsor educational/training sessions/classes? Bring back license classes. Create HOA committee to present Amateur Radio (Henry, Jim T, George?). Classes on operating modes and equipment use.

QUESTION-7 During BRARA monthly meetings, what topics should be covered? What should the format be? Digital modes, technology, dealing with HOA came up. Change meeting format to get to speaker earlier with roundtable afterwards.

QUESTION-8 What on air nets should we sponsor and/or participate in? We have changed what we do. Club nets on Sunday and Monday night have slimmed down. EmComm is important. Possibly look at other modes slow speed CW, HF ragchew.

QUESTION-9 What is the best way for BRARA to communicate (Web, e-mail, What kind and frequency of communications do you prefer? Reduce the number of times things go out. Use web site as primary source of information. Consolidate emails. Educate members on filtering

QUESTION-10 Can we do a better job with our current member communications and if so in what way? Better//more advanced notice of activities. Refer back to web site. Reduce repetitiveness and frequency of email.

QUESTION-11 How did you find out about BRARA (website, ARRL, repeater, drove by the park, talked to member, etc.)? All of these. Consider signage at the Shack.

Next BOD meeting will be 2/25 at 10am.

Motion to Adjourn by Lou, seconded by Jay S. The motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 7:05pm

Respectfully submitted

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary