Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 26 February 2025

Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025   Location: Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL, Jay S N2ELG, Mike K8BQ, Barry KO4FBU Ralph W1DAR, Lou K4LA, Bonnie KC2JVS, Henry WA2ROA

President Ralph W1DAR called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm local.

Secretary: Mike K8BQ

Minutes for the January Board meeting are on the BRARA BLOG. Bruce made a motion to approve seconded by Barry. Motion carried. Discussion about a new member commenting that they didn’t feel welcome visiting the Shack and at a meeting. Board members should say hello to new people at meetings and should sit by different people at lunches instead of the same groups all of the time. Also a Board member should say hi to visitors at the Shack.

Treasurer’s Report: Bonnie KC2JVS

Cash Flow February 26,2025

December 31, 2024    Available Balance              $11,970.67

January 31,2025           Available Balance               $12,537.05

February 26, 2025       Available Balance               $12,603.50

Income: $ 170.24

Income includes memberships

Expenses: $23

Expenses include:  $23 for constant contact monthly charge

Not included:   $949 for liability insurance due March 1st and $74.19 for shipping Icom 7610 for repair, $194.68 for Icom repair, and $11 for

Above amounts include reserve funds of $5,000.

Balance available for operating capital after deposits and expenses clear:   $6,409.63 

Director at Large: Bruce KO4XL

Repeater crew is going to the repeater tomorrow to install the 5G hotspot and connect the DMR repeater to it. Also going to check cabling needed to improve repeater control.

Director at Large: Barry KO4FBU

Barry has been looking into painting the Shack. He sent out an estimate. Palm Bend Pressure Cleaning quoted $250 for a light cleaning of the Shack and high pressure cleaning of the ramp. $350 for high pressure cleaning of both. If we use high pressure on the Shack it will strip off some of the paint and we will need to paint it within 2 weeks. Met with Fred and a painter friend who estimated the cost to paint the building as $3500 not including the roof. $2000 of this was for materials. We’d also need to replace skirting, $250 and remove the window grates to clean the windows and paint the grates.

To help pretty up the yard we should get rid of the tower sections we’ll probably never use. We could offer them to other clubs before scrapping them.

Barry estimates 2×2 foot carpet squares for the main room at about $500. We would install them.

Director at Large: Jay N2ELG

Jay suggests having tables at the Radiator Grille with $2, $5, and $10 items that have not sold at previous auctions. If they don’t sell, send them to recycle. We’ll save the good stuff to auction later. Probably have enough to hold a 1-hour auction using decent reserves. Will take pictures after the Radiator Grille.

Vice President: Henry WA2ROA

Comments about not feeling welcome were a good wake-up. Will call new members if Mike will send the phone numbers. Sent the PowerPoint for Bart Janke’s presentation.

Director at Large: Lou K4LA

Lou told the Board that it is necessary for him to resign as a Board member as of March 15. He will remain a member of BRARA and will be available to consult if we have a legal question.

Motion to adjourn by Jay S, seconded by Bruce. Meeting adjourned at 7:16 pm. Next Board meeting March 12.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary