BRARA General Membership Meeting minutes for 4 February 2025
The BRARA monthly association meeting was held in person and using Zoom conference. There were 18 attending via Zoom and 10 in the library. The meeting was called to order by BRARA President Ralph Mele W1DAR at 6:31 pm local, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. This month we have an interactive forum on Electric Cars. This will be presented by the Valencia Falls Computer and Technology Club President Jason Doskow, Ed Grumit, KE2EF and Buzz Van Ness, WA4AIM discussing advancements, incentives, and charging strategies.
Board members and officers present: Mike K8BQ, Ralph W1DAR, Jay S N2ELG, Lou K4LA, Bonnie KC2JVS
Secretary: Mike K8BQ
Mike has posted the January General Meeting minutes to the BRARA Blog. Ralph W1DAR made a motion to accept the minutes. Bill WA2NCH, seconded the motion to accept the minutes. The motion carried. Mike said the Board is aware of the web site’s issues and is working on getting support. The hotspot for the DMR repeater is on hand and will be tested.
Treasurer: Bonnie KC2JVS
Treasurer’s Report January 31,2025
November 30,2024 Available Balance $10,331.33
December 31,2024 Available Balance $11,970.67
January 31,2025 Available Balance $12,537.05
Income: $1,144.43
Income includes $$619.43 in memberships and $525 in donations
Expenses: $578.05
Expenses include : $70.23 for shipping sold item, $211.82 for shack improvements, and $180 for web
Not included: $949 for liability insurance due March 1 st and $74.19 for shipping Icom 7610 for repair
Above amounts include reserve funds of $5,000.
Balance available for operating capital after deposits and expenses clear: $6,513.86
Director at Large: Jay S N2ELG
Auction Committee is looking to sell off some of the cheap items at the Radiator Grille to clear out items that haven’t sold.
President: Ralph W1DAR
Barry reported that the one of the finals was bad in the 7610. We also are having the firmware updated as long as it is in for repair.
Vice President: Henry WA2ROA
The next lunch will be February 15 at 1PM. We’ll be at Khao Thai this month.
George WA2VNV
VHF Contest report. No major openings. The score was down a bit compared to last year around 10.960. The 432 feedline needs to be replaced.
Director at Large: Lou K4LA
It was good that the club participated in Winter FD.
Motion to adjourn by Jay S N2ELG, seconded by Morton WA2HEM. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm.
Speakers: EV Discussion
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary