Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 Location: via Zoom
Directors and Officers present: Bruce KO4XL, George WA2VNV, Jay S N2ELG, John C N1QFH, Lou K4LA, Ralph W1DAR Jeff S K4BH
Members present: Walt W4WCD Henry WA2ROA
President Bruce KO4XL, called the meeting to order at 6:19 pm local.
President’s Report, Bruce – Bruce found heavy duty La Z Boy office chairs at BJs on sale for $230 each that appear to meet our requirements. After some discussion it was decided to purchase 3 as previously approved. He is going to take 4 of the donated 550 VA UPSs and purchase replacement batteries for them. Three will be used to run stations. They should keep stations on air during generator refueling. The fourth will power the security camera recorder.
Walt – Walt reported that the County has begun paving lots in the park. No idea if and when ours might be done.
Jay S – Jay recommends moving the Radiator Grille to March 11 to avoid a conflict with the Stuart hamfest. We would use 3/18 as the rain date. Also need to plan for the Auction.
George – A search of the County shed did not turn up the gin pole or parts The SFL DX Association may have one. Art will check with them. Jeff S has one on his tower that has been there a while but can’t climb to get it anymore. We may have a member who would do it. We have a light out by the fence that creates a hazard at night. The team looking to fix it stirred up fire ants and were bitten. Ammonia or another base were recommended to neutralize the acid in the bite. Jeff recommended Campho-Phenique antiseptic gel to kill the itch. We will get some for our first aid kit.
Vice President’s Report Ralph – We need to set a date for the next auction. John proposed April 1st or 15th. It was decided to go with April 15th between 1 and 3pm. Bruce said that he could serve as auctioneer. We have speakers planned through May. Lou volunteered for June.
Lou – Polling is complete. There were not a lot of negative comments. There are some good suggestions. Bruce will give a brief update at the February meeting.
John C – John made a motion to accept the minutes that Mike K8BQ submitted for the January 11 Board meeting. Second by Jay S. Motion carried.
Review of Winter FD; 27 visited the Shack, 14 operators, no N1MM issues. We scored over 11K points. Thanks to all who helped.
ARRL FD this June; Look at converting generators to use both gas and propane. Get an early start on publicity. Henry agreed to reach out to public officials.
Jeff S – Jeff has a lead for a location to restart Gold Coast VE testing. He has been going through the new Gordon West slides. Will be scheduling an online Tech class.
Henry – Will set up a meeting with Lou and Stu to review the poll results. He has received a good response for lunch at the Lazy Dog so far. After discussion the April lunch will be scheduled for April 22 at 1 pm, possibly at the Sicilian Oven. He needs a second person to help run the Radiator Grille in March.
Next BOD meeting will be 2/15 at 6pm. The meeting after that will be 2/25 at 10am which is back to the normal schedule.
Motion to Adjourn by John C, seconded by Jay S. The motion carried
Meeting adjourned at 7:24pm
Respectfully submitted
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary