Date: Wednesday April 13, 2022 Location: via Zoom
Directors and Officers present: Ralph W1DAR, John C N1QFH, George WA2VNV, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, Jay S N2ELG, Lou K4LA
Members present: Walt W4WCD, Henry WA2ROA, Guest Art
Vice President Ralph W1DAR called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm local. Initially no quorum was present. There was a quorum later in the meeting.
Officer Reports
President’s Report, Bruce – Not present
VP Report, Ralph – Jay and Ralph met with Henry and Art at the Shack to see what was there for the Radiator Grille. They will check back the Wednesday before the Grille to see what is needed.
Secretary’s Report, Mike – Motion to accept Minutes for Board meeting on 03/26/2022 made by John C, seconded by Lou. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report, Bonnie – Expenses so far in April are $165.32 for a Zoom subscription and Sunbiz renwal. Income is $110.74 from memberships.
Director and Chair Reports
Jay S – put up a light behind the trailer with Walt and Barry. John asked about the cameras, some are motion triggered. George suggested a camera pointed at the tower. He also suggested an alternate display in the north room so you don’t need to leave it to see the camera display.
John C – Nice to be back.
Lou – Priority 1 was more expensive than Southern for A/C only. Southern requested that they would like their service manager to attend a Board meeting. We will ask them.
George – Added programs to the computer for the VHF station from the old laptop. Jan KK3W was at the Shack might be interested in satellite support. Repeater has a bad cavity on the TX side of the duplexer that has been bypassed. Using separate transmit and receive antennas.
Jeff S – not present
Old Business Radiator Grille
Discussed previously
New Business
Miscellaneous Discussion
Walt – no additional comments
Henry- nothing additional
Art-No comments
Next BOD meeting 4/27 at 6 pm.
Motion to adjourn John C second Jay S. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm local.
Respectfully submitted
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary