Posted in: General Meeting Minutes, Minutes

General Member Meeting November 2021

BRARA minutes for 02-November-2021

The BRARA monthly association meeting was held via Zoom conference. The meeting was called to order by the President KO4XL at  7:16 pm local. Attending: 22 Zoom participants. Each attendee checked in with name call and location.  Officers and directors provided an update of their club related activities.

Directors and Officers Present

Bruce KO4XL,  Jay N2ELG,  John N1QFH, George WA2NVW, Ralph W1DAR

President: Bruce KO4XL

Radiator Grille was a great success. Ralph also put together a document on how to run the event. John H did a good job cooking. Henry did a great job assisting Ralph and greeting visitors.

Secretary: Mike K8BQ

Not present

Treasurer: Bonnie KC2JVS

Not present

Director at Large: Jay N2ELG

No report other than personal projects

Director at Large: George WA2VNV

No report other than personal projects

Director at Large: John C N1QFH

John showed some of the things on the website. How to renew, where the photos from the Radiator Grille are, Weekly updates, MARS COMEX, DMR topics, Online Application,

Vice President: Ralph W1DAR

Received a lot of positive comments on email from the Radiator Grille. Learned a couple of things to do differently next time.

Membership Chair: Henry WA2ROA

Radiator Grille was a great event. Will help out on Scout planning and activities.

Old Business


New Business

John Q announced mini expedition to Frying Pan Tower with John H in March


John Q KE4JQ filled in for Ria Jairam who couldn’t make it. John spoke about this year’s Jamboree on the Air experience and getting clubs involved in making it better going forward. Idea is to create a working group from multiple clubs to develop a plan to make participation easier for the clubs in multiple STEAM topics. Start with a small committee from BRARA. Idea is to get small teams in each club to plan out the event. Also need to meet with Scout groups. Goal is to make it fun. A number of members offered their assistance.


Motion to adjourn by John C, second by John Q.  Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary