Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 20-October-2021

Date: Wednesday October 20, 2021   Location: via Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL,  Ralph W1DAR, Jay S. N2ELG,  Bonnie KC2JVS, Mike G K8BQ, Lou K4LA, John C N1QFH, George WA2VNV, Jeff K4BH

Members present: Walt W4WCD,  Henry WA2ROA Membership Chair, KE4JQ John Q

President Bruce called the meeting to order at 6:07 pm local.

Officer and Directors Update

John C – went first since he had another meeting.  He is working on updating the website. Henry and Bonnie are working with him on a new tagline and logo. The bee’s nest is gone. We still need to work on closing openings to the building. The use of bronze wool instead of steel wool was suggested because it doesn’t rust. He also sprayed some of the weeds.

Jay – radios are all gone. Station 1 had an issue receiving the internet. The antenna for the wireless card was missing. Jay and Art soldered on a wire which is working well. A copy of the new club license is posted in the Shack. Last radios will be at an old radio display at the Fairgrounds.

President’s Report

Bruce reported the A/C was fixed, it was a bad capacitor. He also gave a number of quotes for different services including a service contract for $199 a year. After some discussion it was decided that we really didn’t need a service contract since we had one failure in five years. We installed a new A/C when we got the trailer. Board members should read the to-do page on the website site and update items they are responsible for.

VP Report

Ralph Keys no change.  He bought for 50 and got a last minute burst getting us to 70.  He needs help the day of the event,  Art recommended a side such as macaroni salad. We have a large number of miscellaneous cups, utensils, plates, etc.  Maybe plan for 80 people.  We should have people served, not self service for food. Need people to help set up and serve. Need to provide shade with tarps over the tables.  We need a greeter to check off people and hand out name tags.  Jay and Ralph inventoried what we have for gas.

Secretary’s Report

Mike noted that the minutes for the September 25 Board meeting had been uploaded to the web site.  A motion to accept the September 25 minutes was made by Ralph, seconded by George and was carried. He has been letting Henry handle most of the work. Mail about Treasure Coast Hamfest.

Treasurer’s Report

Bonnie provided a cash flow report.  She purchased some raffle tickets in case they were needed.  Expenses were $304 for A/C repair.  The check for Director’s insurance has not cleared yet. Need to research privileges of different membership types. If bylaws are silent then they have the same privileges.  Especially the case with Family memberships.

Lou -Nothing to report. will be there to set up and help.

Jeff – Still working with the STEM group at the charter school. Gold Coast may have some equipment from a Silent Key. they may donate to start a station there. He has finished AHACPR Instructor training. Any training would need to take place in Coral Springs since that is where the dummies are. The brochures are done. There is interest in our training classes. John Q asked if we have an AED yet. Bruce said we are in the process of ordering it.

George –  Projects list – satellite tower is sitting there waiting to be set up. We have the equipment needed. Rick, K1DS may be able to help.  Got a thank you for renewing his membership. John Q volunteered to help install the satellite tower.

Henry – will track renewals for the end of month Board meetings.

Old Business


New Business

John Q described his JOTA experience. It was successful with 50 scouts and 25 parents in Jupiter at Camp Tanah Keeta.  Organized by WS4BSA, Sam Wilfond who is also a BRARA member.  Only 2 HF hams were there. They had the opportunity to work on STEM and STEAM merit badges as well as participate in activities such as transmitter hunts. JOTA is an international program. This year’s program was sort of thrown together at the last minute and there were issues with the setup. We need to plan for the future, perhaps with preinstalled and tested antennas that can be used. Bruce pointed out that historically BRARA was a major supporter of JOTA in the past when he was an organizer. Other clubs were also active. John’s vision is to set up an infrastructure to get things to run smoother. Things have been tested and debugged in advance. This would allow a smooth delivery of the program. Jeff suggested that there may need to be a liaison between Scouts from the radio clubs. John Q was asked if he would volunteer to chair a task force in the club to plan and support JOTA going forward. He accepted. George suggested that John do a presentation at the general meeting.

Motion to adjourn by Jay, second by John C carried. Meeting adjourned 7:37 pm local.

Respectfully submitted

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary