Date: Wednesday July-14-2021 Location: via Zoom
Directors and Officers Present: Bruce KO4XL, Jay S. N2ELG, Bonnie KC2JVS, Mike G K8BQ, Lou K4LA, John C N1QFH, Jeff K4BH, Ralph W1DAR ,George WA2VNV
Members present: Walt W4WCD, Jan KO4AEP, Art WA8VSJ
Bruce called the meeting to order at 6:06 PM local.
The following Agenda was presented:
- Officer Reports
- VP
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Committee Report
- Welcome Committee
- Reopening Phase 2
- Letter from County
- BRARA Member Privacy Policy
- BRARA Conflict of Interest Policy
Officer and Directors Update
VP Report
Ralph reported that there were five sessions for issueing keys. 42 keys have been issued, with many first time key holders.
Treasurer’s Report
Bonnie provided a mid-month financial report. She also reported that Lou had completed everthing required for Director’s insurance. She will send to our agent in the next day or so. She talked with YLRL about holding a YL licensing class. They would be interested in publicizing it. Should only have a YL only class if there is enough interest. Jeff feels that if we hold a YL only class we should hold a parallel class to avoid conflicting with the BRARA discrimination policy.
Secretary’s Report
Mike noted that the minutes for the June 26 Board meeting had been uploaded to the web site. A motion to accept the June 26 minutes was made by Lou, second by Jay S, carried. Mike also presented the current membership report.
Welcome Committee
Welcome committee is made up of Bruce, Jay, John C, Bonnie, Mike, and Henry. Action items from the first meeting.
- Connect with Art about welcoming concerns. This is even though Tuesday breakfast is not a club event. Wear name badges or use stick on.
- The task of finding a source for badges has been given to Henry.
- Some Officers and Directors should be at the meeting entrance greeting members or circulating in the room to make members and visitors feel welcome.
Meeting Room
Bonnie checked with library and the meeting room will be avaialble with a maximum capacity of 24 after August 6. Possibly could hold a hybrid meeting. Also a conflict in September with holidays. Tabled until July 31 meeting because not on agenda.
Reopening Phase 2
There is an internal letter within the County that implies that we could reopen close to normal. It says wear a mask if not vaccinated. Bruce to word a statement using the County’s language – mask is strongly recommended.
BRARA Member Privacy Policy
At one point the County wanted a list of members in the club. Our policy is that we hold that a private information. It was discussed that they may want to know who has after hours access to the park which would just include people with keys. Current administration has not asked for this information.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Lou reported that this would help protect the club from improper actions by Officers and Directors by spelling out what Board members can and can’t do in business and other things that may conflict with their responsibility to BRARA.
Other Business:
Radios in Shack – we need to clear out the donated radios and other equipment. Art and Bruce will go to the Shack to evaluate. Jay has taken pictures which John C has posted. Other are also invited to check out the radios.
Jan suggested that we use elcetronic locks rather than keys. We do have an electronic lock on the door, but the gates and park entrance require padlocks.
Jeff met with the Directory of the CoralSprings Charter School to discuss starting a STEM club that would include amateur radio.
George reminded the Board that it has been two or three years an we still don’t have an AED in the Shack.
Motion by Jay S second by Jeff to adjourn. Carried, adjourned at 7:01 PM.
Respectfully submitted
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary