Date: Saturday May-29-2021 Location: via Zoom
Directors and Officers Present: Bruce KO4XL, Jay S. N2ELG, Ralph W1DAR, Bonnie KC2JVS, Mike G K8BQ, Jeff S K4BH, Lou K4LA, John C N1QFH, Ralph W1DAR, Jerry Z W4BFL
Members Present: Walt W4WCD
Bruce called the meeting to order at 10:04 am local.
The following items were discussed and actions assigned:
This was a virtual meeting using Zoom. Officers and directors presented brief updates but most discussion was limited to documents detailing the requirements for Shack reopening as presented by Lou and his committee as well as setting the final process to be followed reopening the shack.
Previous BOD Minutes
Motion to accept May 12 minutes was made by Lou, second by Jay S, carried.
Officer and Directors Update
Bonnie presented her financial update. She has received payment from the first weekend of auction pickup from Jay. Still hasn’t seen the electric bill from the county.
Mike reported minutes from the last Board meeting are on the Blog. He gave a membership update. He has a spreadsheet with who has signed the waiver forms and has merged it with Ralph’s key list. It needs to go on the Google drive to be accessible to directors for Shack reservations.
George had no report other than looking forward to reopening soon
Jay S reported most auction items have been picked up. He has spoken with Rodger about content for the DMR class. This will be in person.
Lou Asked if we had a marketing plan for the club such as advertising in QST. He has also distributed a draft of an anti-discrimination policy to the officers and the Board. This was discussed and suggestions for revisions were made. Key suggestions were that there needs to be a written process for dealing with issues and the process needs to be confidential.
Ralph will be at the Shack from 2 to 4 PM today to hand out keys.
Jeff S Coral Springs Middle School may be looking to establish some sort of a radio activity. Hurricane season starts this week.
Jerry Z doesn’t know who will be replacing Shak at FAU. He will contact Shak by phone. The web site has been good with no major issues. Repeater is working well. Jay asked about running IP to the Shack. We’d need to also go to the repeater site to set up the link.
John added a link to the home page that allows you to listen to WWV. He suggested deleting long term pending applications after we try to contact them. Ralph has been trained on entering keys to the database. What should we do for Field Day.
New Business
Inside keys – need to be distributed to officers and board members who don’t have them
Jay asked about having a tailgate at the shack
John suggested a presentaion form the MARS Director on recent changes to the program. He also has a recording using remote stations that might make a good presentation
Jeff told the group that WX4NHC was on the air today
Walt said that he will oil the cable, put in gear oil, and replace the belt on the crank up tower
Motion to adjourn by Jay, second by George carried
Adjourned at 11:07 AM
Respectfully submitted
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary