A lot of new hams have a whole host of questions and cannot find the answers to them. Ham operators have traditionally been very willing to help out other hams. This is also the case for new hams.
There is actually a name for the folks who are willing to help out, Elmers.
They tend to be hams that have been in the hobby for a number of years. They also are typically Electronics folks although not always. A lot are professionally tied to radio communications and might be the folks servicing two way radios.
If you have questions, ask at a club meeting if someone can help you out. You will usually have a few folks who are more than willing to lend a hand. The great part about an Elmer is they have fun helping someone “learn the ropes”. Knowledge sharing a great thing and there are a lot of people who are subject matter experts!
There are even online Elmers. They can answer questions for you and point you in the right direction for more info. I had a mentor for a course I took online and we would exchange emails about the work that was required and my reports. While different than traditional learning it is a great way to interact with someone who has a lot of information that can help!
Skills are another great thing that can be taught or assisted with by someone who reaches out to you. Soldering, putting connectors on hardline, mounting antennae, wiring and just operating skills. As a new ham who is scared to get on the air you might feel more comfortable talking with someone whom you have met and worked with on a project.
There are many types of elmers but all have one thing in common, a love of the hobby and a willingness to help others that need assistance! Reach out if you need help. There are plenty of people who will give you a hand!
73 Dolph WA2NTW