1.Raspberry Pi Zero W (Adafruit.com)
2.UHF Radio Board (eBay.com)
CLICK HERE FOR Hotspot Module & Antenna
( 282909951212 )
3. OLED Display com (AliexPress.com/)
(Yellow-Blue Double Color 128×64 OLED LCD LED Display Module for Arduino 0.96” I2C IIC Communicate)
- MUST have pins in this order: VCC-GND-SCL-SDA
4. A 16GB MicroSD memory card com at BestBuy or WalMart
5. Case by Paul, WB2HHH paulhut77@comcast.net
Tell him it’s the same case that W4AEQ has ordered.
Specify what color you’d like, and what callsign should be printed on the case.