Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 11-January-2023

Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2023   Location: via Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL, George WA2VNV, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, Jay S N2ELG, John C N1QFH, Lou K4LA, Ralph W1DAR

Members present: Walt W4WCD Henry WA2ROA

President Bruce KO4XL, called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm local.


President’s Report, Bruce – Bruce did work today setting up for WFD this morning. Next Wednesday Art and Barry will test the equipment. N1MM set up needs to be updated to current version.

Henry – Henry recommended asking Stu Gallant to join the team evaluating the poll responses with Lou and Henry. Lou made a motion to add Stu to the committee. The motion was seconded by Jay and carried.  The next meeting of the membership poll committee is set for January 31 between 1 and 4 pm. Henry reserved the Lazy Dog on February 18 at 1 pm for our February lunch. John C was asked to setup the RSVP. The next Radiator Grille is planned for March 18 between 11 am and 2 pm. Rain date to be March 25.  We need someone to run the Radiator Grille along with Henry.  Henry has been in contact with the FPL RF noise technician and asked if we needed anything checked at the Shack.

George – The rotor is back from repair. We won’t do anything until after WFD. The VHF contest is January 21 and 22. We are having problems in the Shack with some of the old chairs in hazardous condition. It was decided to remove the hazardous chairs. John C made a motion that the Association spend no more than $900 for three chairs. Second by George. The motion carried. Henry suggested checking with the County to see if they have any used furniture available to non-profits. George reminded the Board that we need a point person for completing the satellite system.

Jay S – Jay is helping with WFD preparation.

Lou – Lou had nothing to report other than the polling previously discussed.

Vice President’s Report Ralph – Ralph says that we need to finish the job on the repeater and try to get back to a single antenna. He met someone at breakfast who does tower work and may be in town a couple of months. Two more speakers have been lined up.

Secretary’s Report, Mike – Motion to accept Minutes for the Board meeting on 12/28/2022 made by John C, seconded by Jay S. The motion carried. Next Board meeting will be February 1 to avoid WFD and be closer to the February General meeting.

Treasurer’s Report, Bonnie – Cash Flow January 11, 2023

December 31,2022       Available Balance              $9081.25

January 11, 2023           Available Balance              $9,950.46

Income:  $935.21

Income includes $770.21 in memberships, and $165 in donations

Not included $35 membership check not cleared

Expenses:  $66

Expenses include $66 for hotspot

Expenses not cleared include $167.80 to send rotator for repair and $110 for QSL cards

Available Balance includes $3,000 cash reserve

John C – John asked the Board to review the items on the web site under events to make sure they are correct. He also showed the tools that he added under the administrative portion of the website.

Walt – Walt reported that he has the QSL cards.

Motion to Adjourn made by John C, seconded by Jay S. Meeting adjourned at 7:20. Next BOD meeting February 1 at 6 pm local.

Respectfully submitted

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary