Posted in: General Meeting Minutes, Minutes

General Member Meeting May 2022

BRARA minutes for 03-May-2022

The BRARA monthly association meeting was held via Zoom conference. The meeting was called to order by the Secretary, Mike K8BQ at  7:16 pm local. Attending: 26 Zoom participants. Each attendee checked in with name, call, and location.  Officers and directors provided an update of their club related activities.

Directors and Officers Present

Jay S N2ELG, Jeff S K4BH, John C N1QFH, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, George WA2VNV, Lou K4LA

President: Bruce KO4XL – Not present

Vice President: Ralph W1DAR – Not present

Secretary: Mike K8BQ

Minutes for the April general meeting have been added to the BRARA Blog. Motion to accept April minutes made by John C N1QFH,  Jay S  N2ELG seconded. Motion carried. New members from April; Dave Alperstein N4DOV. Milus, Chris Blake NX4N, Michael Sherman WA1KDS. Current membership for 2022 is 166

Treasurer: Bonnie KC2JVS

Bonnie provided a financial update for April. Total cash received was $275.10. April expenses were $165.32 which included the club Zoom subscription and our SunBiz registration.

Director at Large: Jay S N2ELG

Station 1 computer died. A temporary replacement was set up. Going to run cables to the operating positions from the camera switch.  Have a router that needs to be programmed for the Shack.

Director at Large: John C N1QFH

There is currently a MARS exercise in progress. BRARA Simplex Exercise is this coming Saturday. Thanks Walt, Jay, and all others who helped with the security camera install at the Shack.

Director at Large: George WA2VNV

Art and George have been working on the ASTRON power supply. It blows the fuse instantly when turned on. The 7300 has issues with birdies. Should check for firmware updates and try complete reset if needed. Had issues closing the lock on the gate after the 432 Sprint. Needs to be oiled.

Director at Large: Jeff S K4BH

One month to the start of hurricane season. Check out your go kits, food, water, generators, etc.

Director at Large Lou K4LA

Only quote for A/C maintenenace we have is from Prime One Air which is $428 for initial visit and $290 quarterly. Southern Air will do repair but won’t quote a maintenance contract on trailer unit. Seth Taylor suggested Eldred A/C in West Palm Beach as a possible alternate.

Old Business


New Business



Motion to adjourn by Al N3EA, second by Jay S N2ELG.  Meeting adjourned at 8:26 pm.


Presentation by Rick Rosen K1DS on EME.

Respectfully submitted,
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary