BRARA minutes for 01-March-2022
The BRARA monthly association meeting was held via Zoom conference. The meeting was called to order by the President KO4XL at 7:14 pm local. Attending: 31 Zoom participants. Each attendee checked in with name, call, and location. Officers and directors provided an update of their club related activities.
Directors and Officers Present
Bruce KO4XL, Jay S N2ELG, John C N1QFH, Ralph W1DAR, Jeff S K4BH, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, Lou K4LA, George WA2VNV
Director at Large: Jay S N2ELG
Jay upgraded some of the computers in the Shack with SSDs. He also helped add some cameras
President: Bruce KO4XL
We have upgraded the security cameras at the Shack. We have a new upgraded recorder and several cameras in the Shack. If you use the Shack be sure that it is secure when you leave. Lights off, thermostat set to 78, equipment off, antennas grounded, all doors locked, and all gates locked.
Secretary: Mike K8BQ
Minutes for the February meeting have been added to the BRARA Blog. Motion to accept February minutes made by John C N1QFH seconded by Jay S N2ELG. Motion carried. New members from February; Ray de la Rivaherrera KI4C, Tony Vella WV2C, Dan Stockdale Sr KO4DVN, and Diane Black KC3JFN.
Treasurer: Bonnie KC2JVS
Bonnie provided a financial update for February. February expenses were $235.22 which included the quarterly electric bill of $93.85 and some miscellaneous supplies..
Director at Large: George WA2VNV
Repeater work is scheduled for tomorrow (3/2). Plan is to replace transmission line and adjust audio levels. A satellite interest meeting will be held at the Shack on 3/9 at 10:30 am. The goal is to create a detailed list of what needs to be done to complete installation of the satellite station.
Vice President: Ralph W1DAR
Issued one key in February. Purchased and installed a shorter lock for the gate. Bruce reminded the members that we are not authorized to let others into the park when it is closed.
Director at Large: Lou K4LA
Looking into quotes for maintenance of the Shack A/C.
Director at Large: Jeff S K4BH
March means 3 months to hurricane season. Start preparing. There is a good EMCOM website, with a lot of pertinent information.
Director at Large: John C N1QFH
Simplex net is scheduled for Saturday 3/5.
Old Business
New Business
Motion to adjourn by Ralph W1DAR, second by Al N3EA. Meeting adjourned at 7:53 pm.
Patrick Bolan KJ7ZSU provided a presentation about the history of GEOCHRON and the GEOCHRON 4K. He then answered questions from the membership.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary