Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 09-February-2022

Date: Wednesday February 9, 2022   Location: via Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL, Jay S. N2ELG, John C N1QFH, George WA2VNV, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, Lou K4LA,

Members present: Walt W4WCD, Art WA8VSJ, Henry WA2ROA

President Bruce KO4XL called the meeting to order at 6:15 pm local.

Officer Reports

President’s Report, Bruce – First aid kit has been ordered. Filter for A/C is on order. Last Wednesday George, Art, and Bruce cleaned up the VHF room. The 7300 can now switch between the 6 meter beam and the fan dipole.

VP Report, Ralph – Will get a new lock for use at the park gate.

Treasurer’s Report, Bonnie – Presented a cash flow report. Reported that we have received the documentation for the Officer’s and Director’s insurance.

Secretary’s Report, Mike – Motion to accept Minutes for Board meeting on 01/29/2022 made by John C, seconded by Lou. The motion carried.

Director and Chair Reports

John C – Will include information in the weekly update to relock the gate after you open it. Everyone should go through the task list and update things they are responsible for. The 7300 and 910 were used during the Simplex Exercise.

Jay – Worked with Bruce updating computing.

Henry – Working on logo and mission statement

Lou – Ordered a coffee pot.  Suggest we obtain fire blankets to use to smother a fire. He is willing to donate one.  He also forwarded the A/C Maintenance offering from the company that worked on the A/C at the trailer.

Walt – Nothing to report

Art – Nothing to report

George – Sent picture of first aid kit to Bruce to give an idea what to order. Need some kind of a wall box to mount the fire extinguisher. Cleared out a bunch of jumpers when cleaning the VHF room and stored them. All cables in use are now labelled.

Old Business – A/C Maintenance

Route any questions on the A/C maintenance quote to Lou. It was suggested that Priority One Air might also service our type of unit. Lou will reach out to see if they also offer a contract.

New Business

Grant W4KEK is interested in learning how to maintain the repeater. We’ll reach out to Lew to see if that is ok. Let Grant work with Lew and George to start learning if it is ok with them.

Miscellaneous Discussion

DVR Status Update. We now have a working DVR courtesy of Walt. We need to add additional cameras. We also should put up signs for each room that we are recording. We also should amend the release to include that we have the option to record activities on site.

Motion to adjourn Jay second George. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:24 pm local.

Respectfully submitted

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary