Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 29-January-2022

Date: Saturday January 29, 2022   Location: via Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL, Jay S. N2ELG, John C N1QFH, George WA2VNV, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, Lou K4LA, Jeff S K4BH, Jerry Z W4BFL

Members present: Walt W4WCD

President Bruce KO4XL called the meeting to order at 10:39 am local.

Officer Reports

President’s Report, Bruce – Purchased a new sensor for the weather station, brass wool for the Shack, and a NIC and SSD for the donated machine

VP Report, Ralph – Not present

Treasurer’s Report, Bonnie – John tweaked the links to get new members to more easily enter their call when paying on PayPal. Also some members have tried to renew for multiple years for which she refunded the excess.  She totaled last year’s fixed expenses plus our additional expenses from last year.  She is working on a budget for 2022. Officer’s and Director’s Insurance has been paid, but we haven’t received a declaration document. Bonnie will follow up.

Secretary’s Report, Mike – Motion to accept Minutes for Board meeting on 01/12/2022 made by John C, seconded by Jeff S. The motion carried. Need to schedule a reminder email for renewal separate from the weekly reminder in the newletter.

Director and Chair Reports

John C – Morgan Bailey NJ8M will be the February speaker. He will talk on 1/2 wave antennas.  Need to arrange speakers for April and beyond.  Working with Mike and Henry on memberships. Will help develop a renewal campaign. Web site is status quo.  He is asking for links to relevant videos.  Need to get Mike and Henry involved with the club Facebook page.

Jay – Worked with Bruce updating computing.

Henry – Not present

Lou – Need to declutter the Shack.  Level 1 would be a basic cleanup of junk and spoiled food. Relocate things that belong in the shed to the shed. Level 2 would involve potentially replacing furnishings. Level 1 scheduled for 1/31 at 10 am. We need to get a written proposal for the A/C maintenance agreement detailing what it covers.

Jerry Z – He has been keeping tabs on the repeaters and the website. They are behaving well.  Do we still want to put the sled on the roof of the Social Security building to hold the antennas. We also need to complete the link from the site to the Shack.

Jeff –   Outside Gold Coast WFD cancelled due to cold.  AED will talk you through how to use it. Bruce will order the First Aid and Stop the Bleed kit.

Walt – County update. There is a request for commercial zoning along Atlantic Avenue by the park

George – Need to lift the 160 antenna since the tower was lowered to keep it out of the bushes. We need a short shank lock in the B group to use at the park gate. The long shank lock is very difficult to remove.

Old Business – None

New Business

Rob Adams would kike to use the VHF repeater for a CERT net on Wednesday evening. Will follow good amateur practice. John C made a motion that the board approves Rob’s use of the repeater to run a CERT net. Bruce proposed an amendment that it include the restrictions discussed on the email chain such as only licensed amateurs can use it and to follow good amateur practice. Lou seconded the motion as amended. Jeff S called the question. The motion carried.

Miscellaneous Discussion

George asked if Lew K4LEW is still around since he is the main contact for the repeater site.

Possible agenda items for general meeting such as interest in helping to set up the satellite station put in George’s director’s report.

We also need to hit the issue of securing the Shack. We will be recording Shack access.

Motion to adjourn Jeff S second Lou. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:54 am local.

Respectfully submitted

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary