Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 12-January-2022

Date: Wednesday January 12, 2022   Location: via Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL, Jay S. N2ELG, John C N1QFH, George WA2VNV, Ralph W1DAR, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS, Lou K4LA, Jeff S K4BH

Members present: Walt W4WCD, Art WA8VSJ

President Bruce KO4XL called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm local.

BRARA BOD 29 December 2021 Agenda

  1. Officer Reports
    1. President
      1. Computer upgrades
    2. VP
      1. Keys
      2. Speakers
    3. Treasurer
      1. Financial Report
      2. O+D Insurance
    4. Secretary
      1. New members
      2. Minutes
  2. Director & Chair Reports
    1. John
      1. Paid up member cross check
      2. Renewal campaign
      3. Webmaster backup
    2. Jay
      1. Computer updates
    3. George
      1. Ameritron amp
      2. VHF Contest in January
      3. Bronze wool for cable holes
    4. Lou
    5. Henry (or John) – membership
    6. Walt – County
    7. Jeff
    8. Jerry – repeaters
  3. Old Business
    1. A/C Service Contract carried to next meeting
    2. Winter FD
  4. New Business
    1. None

Officer Reports

President’s Report, Bruce – We have a new machine at Station 3. Both machines in HF room have Windows 10 and SSDs. Jay helped get this done.

VP Report, Ralph – Two keys given out this week. They went to George and David Brender. Have a release from from George. 47 keys issued to date.  Have been helping out cleaning and organizing the Shack. Ralph sent the speaker list to John C. We’re booked through May.

Treasurer’s Report, Bonnie – reported the balance at the beginning of January. Since then we have received 551.07 in memberships and a donation. Officer’s and Director’s Insurance has been paid, but we haven’t received a declaration document. Bonnie will follow up.

Secretary’s Report, Mike – Motion to accept Minutes for Board meeting on 12/29/2021 made by John C, seconded by Lou. The motion carried. Will need to send out a gentle renewal reminder targeted to those who haven’t renewed yet in addition to the one on the weekly email.

Director and Chair Reports

John C – Working with Mike and Henry on memberships. Will need to develop a renewal campaign. He is working to train Jan KK3W to be a full backup for him by the end of June.

Jay – Walter and Jay installed a new camera in the radio room on Stations 1 and 3. 6 meter amp is back in position. Upgrades on Station 3 include using video out from the computer.

George – Got Rigblaster in place on the 910. Seem to have a water issue on the 432 cable, but it dried out quickly. Working with Rick to prepare for VHF Sweepstakes.

Henry – Not present

Lou – Sent email on A/C service contract synopsis.

Walt – County update. Covid kit handout was a success. May do another if there are enough kits.  Walt donated a video recorder, but needs to be programmed.

Jeff –   Miami Marathon needs help. Contact Jeff or Carol Sherson if interested. In person testing at the Davies Women’s Club. Announcement is on the SEFTN website. Need info on the Stop the Bleed kit.

Old Business

Winter Field Day – we won’t need bandpass filters if there is only one op at a time. Stations 1, 3, and 4 are available. Guarantee 2 hour shifts with additional time if available. Participants will need a key, so need to be a member at for least a year to use the Shack. Shack door should be locked during shifts. John will handle reservations. Operators will be 1H SFL. Operators need to clean up after themselves. Can stay after sunset as long as lock gate behind us.

A/C Service Contract – move to next meeting.

New Business

Miscellaneous Discussion

Motion to adjourn by John C, second by Jeff S carried. Meeting adjourned 6:46 pm local.

Respectfully submitted

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary