Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 29-December-2021

Date: Wednesday December 29, 2021   Location: via Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL, Jay S. N2ELG, John C N1QFH, George WA2VNV, Ralph W1DAR, Mike K8BQ, Bonnie KC2JVS

Members present: Walt W4WCD

President Bruce KO4XL called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm local.

BRARA BOD 29 December 2021 Agenda

  1. Officer Reports
    1. President
      1. AED Purchased (Bruce) and Installed (George)
      2. Echolink is working
      3. Computer upgrades
    2. VP
      1. Keys
      2. Speakers
    3. Treasurer
      1. Financial Report
      2. O+D Insurance
      3. Electric Bill
    4. Secretary
      1. New members
  2. Director & Chair Reports
    1. John
      1. Paid up member cross check
      2. Webmaster backup
      3. UHF Tower
    2. Jay
      1. Station 3 computer
    3. George
      1. Ameritron amp
    4. Henry (or John) – membership
    5. Walt – County
    6. Jerry – repeaters
  3. Old Business
    1. A/C Service Contract
    2. Winter FD
    3. Winter Social
  4. New Business
    1. Get a hold of Jerry Z – brain dump

Officer Reports

President’s Report, Bruce – AED is in and installed. Echolink is working. Jay and Bruce are working on computer upgrades for Station 1 and Station 3. The donated computer for Station 3 seems to have a power supply problem. The second machine doesn’t work with a second monitor.

VP Report, Ralph – One key given out this week. The next speaker will be DX Engineering. Have been helping out cleaning and organizing the Shack.

Secretary’s Report, Mike – Motion to accept Minutes for Board meeting on 12/15 made by Jay, seconded by John C. The motion carried. The club added 41 new members in 2021, finishing the year with 194 total. Henry and John have been doing the majority of membership work since Henry is now the Membership Chair. We will need to follow up for 2021 members who haven’t renewed yet. Especially why people choose not to renew.

Treasurer’s Report, Bonnie reported that she had missed deposits before we went to NY in November.  She will deposit the checks and work with Henry and John to make sure the delayed memberships are updated.  A cash balance including the undeposited checks was given.  She didn’t see an acknowledgement of our payment for the Officer’s and Directors insurance and has not yet received a response from our agent that it went through. She will follow up on this. Bonnie pointed out that there is some confusion when family members pay with the primary member. Electric bill has been paid, $189 for three months.

Director and Chair Reports

John C – The secretary needs to be kept updated on renewal information even though Henry is now the Membership Chairman.  The membership renewal is a soft reminder.  John is looking for a webmaster backup with a strong IT background. Jan KK3W will start the WordPress part soon. The goal is that by the end of Q2 Jan can do what John does. George wants to climb the tower to install 432 preamp and lubricate bearings on HF tower. We should look at renting a man lift for safety unless we have a younger experienced climber available.  We may be able to share with Jeff S. We had low audio on EchoLink, Bruce has adjusted the client software improve the situation. We’ve had inquiries on badges. We need to complete logo design and find a vendor. John created a new inquiry tool to display family groups.

Jay – Jay still having network card issues with the computer for Station 3. Need to stuff cable pass throughs with steel wool or brass wool. George will check on bronze wool.

George – Art and George are working on the Ameritron amplifier. Hope to complete on Saturday or soon after. Need to install UHF preamp on the tower.

Henry – Not present

Lou – Not present

Walt – County update. Still no plan for bathroom yet. They are concentrating on paving.

Old Business

A/C Service Contract – move to next meeting.

WFD After some discussion it was determined that due to Covid we will not have a club effort for WFD. We appear to be allowed to have different operators use radios under their own call at different times according to WFD rules unlike ARRL FD. Mike will follow up with Jeff S and WFD committee. George made a motion that due to Covid we will not have a organized club WFD effort from the shack but you can operate from a home station as part of a club effort or join in with Gold Coast. Second by John C. Three points: We aren’t sent up for N1MM, No way to set up the stations. No one has stepped up to organize it. John called the question. Motion Carried.

New Business

Miscellaneous Discussion

George will be operating January VHF contest with Rick K1DS. They need a 6 meter radio. Bruce will bring the 7300 from Chris Stone that was donated to the club next week.

John reported that he has gone in for MARS operation and found lights and power on and antennas not grounded. George found the A/C set at 75 instead of 78. We should remind members about proper Shack closing process at the general meeting.

Bruce suggested the next Board meeting should be 1/12 which would put us on the old schedule again.

John and Bruce need to go back and complete memorial plaque and plates.

We need to straighten up the Shack and get rid of excess stuff.

Negative feedback from the Ft Lauderdale Boat Parade. John H wasn’t allowed to be on the bridge and had to be in the common area and also was pushed away from where he needed to be and wasn’t treated well.

Motion to adjourn by John C, second by Jay S carried. Meeting adjourned 7:45 pm local.

Respectfully submitted

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary