Posted in: General Meeting Minutes, Minutes

General Member Meeting September 2021

BRARA minutes for 14-Sept-2021

The BRARA monthly association meeting was held via Zoom conference. The meeting was called to order by the President KO4XL at  7:19 pm local. Attending: 29 Zoom participants. Each attendee checked in with name call and location.  Officers and directors provided an update of their club related activities.

Directors and Officers Present

Bruce KO4XL,  Jeff K4BH, Jay N2ELG, John N1QFH, Lou K4LA, Bonnie KC2JVS, Mike K8BQ, Ralph W1DAR, George

Secretary: Mike K8BQ

Mike reported that the minutes for the August meeting are on the web site. Jay N2ELG made a motion to accept the minutes as posted, seconded by John N1QFH.  John requested that the minutes be edited to replace “;” where used with “:”.  The motion carried. Mike then presented a membership update. 145 Full members, 23 Family, 6 Life , 2 Associate 176 total. We had one Silent Key this month, Stan Pulitzer, W5JYK.

Treasurer: Bonnie KC2JVS

Bonnie presented the Treasurer’s report for the month of August 2021. September expenses will include the electric bill and the club purchase of a used grill for the Shack.  BRARA also received some Amazon Smile money.

Director at Large: Jay N2ELG

We have been moving some radios from those donated to the club. We still have a few along with some tube audio amplifiers. Loose tubes have been consolidated into a tub. Bruce said the QCWA will be setting up an exhibit at the Fairgrounds and will take the leftover radios.

Vice President: Ralph

The club is starting to prepare for the Radiator Grille to be held October 23 from 11 until 2.  Please RSVP to Volunteers are needed to help with this event.

Director at Large: George WA2VNV

We can run 50 through 1296 MHz with the exception of 902/903 at the Shack for VHF/UHF contests.  He reached out to contact the AED vendor and is waiting for a response.

Director at Large: Lou K4LA

Lou submitted drafts of both a privacy policy and a conflict of interest policy to the Board for review.

Director at Large: John N1QFH

John provided a walkthrough of the BRARA website showing changes and improvements.

Director at Large: Jeff S. K4BH

Jeff attended a CERT conference and held a radio class there.  He will bring club flyers to the Shack to have for the Radiator Grille. He suggested getting a Stop the Bleed kit to go with the AED.

Membership Chair: Henry WA2ROA

Henry says breakfasts are going well. He is starting to bring neighbors who might be interested in ham radio. A focus group was held to discuss the website.

Old Business


New Business



Don Keith N4KC provided a presentation on Resonance Shmesonance and participated in a Q&A period afterward on his presentation as well as his work as an author.


Motion to adjourn by Jay N2ELG, second by John N1QFH.  Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mike Greenfeld K8BQ, Secretary